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Spiriteller stepped along the lonely mountain ridge, paws tired, but restless. Silverpelt shined above her, reflecting in a puddle. Spiriteller paused to sip from it. She paused and watched the ripples in the puddle blur and deform her reflection.

"StarClan," Spiriteller murmured, "You know why..." Her voice trailed off as her deformed reflection was replaced with four cats. Even as a cat used to visions and omens, she still gasped. 

Because the cats in front her were the very first leaders of the four clans.

She looked a the first cat on the left, a fluffy white she-cat. "Snowstar." The Tom next to her had a black pelt, streaked with brown. "Stonestar." The next cat, a pale gray Tom, blinked his recognition. "Moonstar." The final cat, on the far right, a golden she-cat, lifted her head proudly. "Firestar."

"Spiriteller," said Snowstar, "They are ready."

"Who have you chosen?" asked Spiriteller.

"You will know Spiriteller, you will know," answered Stonestar.

"It hasn't been done since my ancestors time. How exactly am I supposed to know? There is no one to tell me-"

"Peace, Spiriteller, you must trust yourself," Snowstar interrupted.

Spiriteller turned away. "Is the leader ready?"

"She is, Spiriteller," Moonstar said softly.

"She?" Spiriteller turned sharply to the puddle.

"Yes, Spiriteller, she," Moonstar answered.

The vision faded until the puddle simply reflected Spiriteller's reflection and Silverpelt again. She continued padding along the ridge, filled with a new energy. Spiriteller climbed up a series of rocky ledges, claws sinking into each crevice. She rounded a corner, and in front of her, the ground fell away. She watched the valley before her with wide yellow eyes. Spiriteller saw mountains and rivers, forests and plains. She spotted a glow coming from near the center of the valley. It flashed a symbol. A cat head silhouette. Spiriteller felt an indistinct pelt brush her side.

"It is time, Spiriteller," said Firestar. "It is time."

The Warrior Guard Book 1- Rise of the GuardOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant