have yourself a merry little christmas

16 0 0

 Alys woke to a light rapping on her bedroom door. She rolled over and groaned, sticking her legs out from under the warm blankets. She slowly stood up and walked over to the door, opening it with droopy eyes.

It was Sansa. She slipped right past Aly and sat on the messy bed. "What in the world is going on with you and Jon?" she asked with a smile.

"Nothing," Aly dismissed immediately.

"Now you're just lying. At first, I could dismiss it as friendship, but after he carried you upstairs? No way you guys are just friends," Sansa giggled. Her eyes were bright and her smile wide.

"Point taken. He kissed my cheek last night and we cuddled a little bit..." Aly admitted.

"NO WAY!" Sansa basically screeched. "How long is a little bit?"

"However long the Krampus movie was," Alys shrugged. "Like an hour? Maybe two?"

Sansa giggled like a schoolgirl. "Oh my god! You two are so cute!"

Alys rolled her eyes, "Cool it, whatever it is, it's nothing serious!"

"Sure, sure... you two like each other, that's for certain." Sansa was still giggling.

"Well, clearly. Anyways, I have to pee."

"Go, go." Sansa nodded and got up, walking to the bedroom door. "I have to help my mom with breakfast anyways."

Alys sighed and grabbed some sweatpants, a t-shirt, and some undergarments. She left the bedroom and walked to the bathroom. She noticed Jon's door was still closed. She cursed herself under her breath before she grabbed the handle, turning it slightly and opening the door a sliver.

She peeked inside and saw Jon passed out tangled in his sheets. She remembered breakfast would be ready soon and decided she would wake him. "Gods, Sansa was right," she muttered.

She placed her hand on Jon's bare shoulder, shaking him gently. "Jon? Breakfast is gonna be ready soon."

He groaned and blinked a few times. "Ugh," he mumbled. "You look cute, though."

Alys rolled her eyes. "Save it," she laughed a bit.

"For when?" He sat up in bed. He was shirtless and Alys looked away. Jon noticed and chuckled, "Nothing you haven't seen before."

Alys laughed. "I didn't ask you to take your shirt off yesterday."

"You didn't mind it either," he retorted.

"No comment. Anyways, I'm gonna go shower," she said, walking towards the door.

"Want me to come?" he asked, standing up. He was only in his boxers.

"Gods, Jon. Now that's something I haven't seen before. Why would I want you to come?" she asked.

"For... company. And, get used to seeing this," he smirked.

Alys' face flushed. "I can shower alone. Preferably, actually."

"Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart," Jon chuckled.

"Sweetheart?" she asked.

Jon walked over to her. "Yeah. Sweetheart. I have other ones, too."

"Maybe some other time." Alys couldn't help but feel flustered.

Jon placed his hand on her shoulder. "Why wait, baby?"

Alys laughed loudly. "Too far, Jon, too far. I gotta go shower."

"Fine, go get naked without me," Jon sighed.

"Aw, don't take it personal!" Alys giggled, walking out of the room.

She walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting it heat up. She stripped her clothes off and stepped under the hot water, letting it run all over her skin. She looked through the products, noticing only Jon's stuff. She sighed and ran her hair under the water. She pumped a handful of shampoo into her palm and scrubbed it into her scalp.

She ran the shampoo all through her hair before running it under the hot water. She rinsed all the shampoo out. She pumped some conditioner into her hand and raked it through the end of her hair.

She heard the bathroom door open and froze. She poked her head out from behind the curtain and saw Jon putting toothpaste on his toothbrush. "What did you not understand by 'I prefer to shower alone!?'"

Jon laughed. "I'm not in the shower with you."

"You're in the bathroom, what does it matter?"

"You smell like a man," Jon chuckled, sniffing the air.

"You think I wanna smell like Old Spice?" she asked, laughing a bit.

"Well, it smells like me, so why wouldn't you?"
"I wanna smell like flowers and stuff! Not-" She picked up the bottle and looked at it. "Krakengard. What even is a krakengard?"

"Don't know, but I know it smells good," Jon answered, running the toothbrush under the faucet and brushing his teeth.

"Whatever, get me a washcloth please?" she asked, ducking back behind the shower curtain.

"You already used my soap, use my sponge too," he laughed.

"Funny. Maybe I will!" She couldn't even help but laugh as she squeezed the bottle of krakengard onto his sponge. She sighed as she lathered it and rubbed it all over herself.

She heard Jon spit into the sink as she washed the soap off. She rinsed the conditioner from her hair and shut the water off. "Can you leave so I can get dressed?"

"I'm brushing my teeth," he answered.

"I heard you spit," she said. She grabbed a towel and pulled it behind the curtain with her.

"I won't look."

"Promise?" she asked.


Alys wrapped the towel around herself and stepped out, making sure he wasn't looking for she dropped it. She turned around too and dressed. When she turned back around, he was staring.

Alys sighed. "Someone's not a man of their word."

"Gods, look at you! Can you blame me?" he smirked.

Alys blushed. "Keep your promises."

"Blushing, baby?" he teased.

"Don't call me that," she said as she adjusted her shirt.

"Why not... baby?" he laughed.

"You haven't even kissed me yet! So you can't call m-" she said before she was cut off.

Jon grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into him, pressing her lips against his. Alys wrapped her arm around his neck as she kissed him back. He pulled away with a smile.

"There, baby."

994 words.

ok so it happened! 

jonlys sounds like a disease so I need to think of better ship names fsfs

love you all!

-claire <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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