white christmas

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 The snow seemed to almost be tapping at the glass, the way it fell so steady, blanketing the frozen ground in its frigid flakes. Alysanne was staring at it, her phone vibrating in a steady rhythm in her pocket.

"Are you going to answer it?" Sansa asked, hearing the thumping beat cut through the quiet of their dorm.

"It's just my mom pestering me again," Alys sighed. Nonetheless, she pulled the phone from her deep sweatpants pocket and answered her mom's frantic call.

"Hey, mom," she greeted tiredly.

"Hi, sweetie! You sound tired, have you been sleeping enough?" her mother asked, speaking so fast.

"Yes, mom. I finished my last final today, so I'll be getting all my hours now," Alys said.

"Good, Annie. You're planning on coming for Christmas, right?" Cersei asked her daughter.

"It's just so far to the Landing, I just don't want to drive all that way," Alysanne sighed.

"Well, me, Joff, and Tommy are going to the Rock to celebrate with grandpa and Uncle Tyrion and Uncle Jaime. All the Lannisters will be there," Cersei said.

"Is dad not going?" Alys asked.

"No. The Tyrells invited him and Stannis' family all to Highgarden to celebrate because you know how your Uncle Renly just married their daughter. All they want to do is flaunt their wealth, rubbing their gold and valuable things in our face, so I'm taking the kids to the Rock," Cersei said with annoyance.

"How can you be mad about the Tyrells flaunting their wealth when grandpa is the richest man in Westeros?" Alys asked, unsure of her mom's logic.

"Because we don't show it off," Cersei responded.

"Okay, mom," Alysanne laughed, knowing that was a fat lie. "Is Myrcella not going to the Rock with you?"

"Nope. She's staying down at Sunspear Academy. Going to her boyfriend's house for Christmas! Can you believe it?! I even offered to buy her bus ticket, but no, she wanted to spend Christmas on the beaches of Dorne with Trystane. Gods, you should hear her talk about him, like he's some kind of god! The beaches at Casterly Rock are just fine," Cersei rambled.

"Just be glad Myrcella found someone she loves. Plus, the waters in the Westerlands are going to be freezing. I wish it didn't cost so much damn money," Alys lamented.

"What do you mean?" Cersei asked her daughter.

"The Reeds have upped the toll to cross the Neck to make Greywater Watch some money. They know the White Harbor Uni students are gonna want to go back down south and the northern kids are going to want to go back home. Do you know how many kids at Pyke Prep are northern?"

"A lot, anymore. The northern families are pushing out kids left and right. Can't they dock just above the Neck?" Cersei questioned.

"Nope. They dock at Seagard, the Mallisters have a deal with the Greyjoys. We're actually studying it in business class," Alys responded.

"Gotcha. Do you need some money for your card?"

"Nah, it's best if I don't go anyways. Joff is pissed with me since the screaming match we got into during his birthday celebration," Alys answered.

"He's still mad about that?"

"Yes! He's being so childish," Alysanne sighed.

"Well, we'll miss you!" Cersei said.

"Thanks, mom. I'll miss you too. Love you!"

"Love you, too, Alys. Bye!"

"Bye," Alys said, hanging up the phone and throwing her head back against her pillow.

"Take it you're not going to the Landing for Christmas?" Sansa asked, closing her computer and pulling the blanket up around her legs.

"Nope. My mom is going to Casterly Rock, my dad to Highgarden, and Myrcella is staying in Dorne," Alys answered.

"And you're not going to go?" Sansa was stunned. They had known each other for two years, and they are dorm mates at White Harbor University. Alysanne went home for every holiday, it seemed.

"Nope. I had a giant blowout with my brother last time I was there. He's still mad, leaving me on read and not answering my calls." Alysanne's brother was an ass, but she loved him... kind of.

"And you're not going to see your dad at Highgarden?" Sansa asked.

"Nope. The drive is just too far and the tax at Greywater Watch is crazy these days," Alys sighed.

"Alys, be honest with me," Sansa urged, poking her friend in the ribs.

"Whatever do you mean?" Alysanne retorted, averting her eyes from Sansa.

"The real reason you don't want to go is because you don't want to see Loras," Sansa said, knowing it was true, even if Alys didn't want to admit it.

"Stop!" Alysanne squealed, jumping from her lofted bed and walking to their bathroom.

"No!" Sansa responded, following the girl. "You've been miserable ever since he left to go to college in Oldtown, don't even lie about it."

"Okay. Maybe you're right..." Alys trailed off, opening the door to face Sansa.

"I know I am."

"It's just not right what he did!" Alys ranted, stomping around the room. "He went back to Highgarden over spring break, and suddenly he met someone else and we can't be together. Next thing I know, he's dropped out to go to college closer to home, which I understand. But it was just so sudden!"

"It was a little... suspicious," Sansa admitted.

Alys shook her head at the memory of Loras' betrayal to her, still fresh in her heart, even though it took place close to a year ago. It was just that they had been dating for years! They started dating at Pyke Prep, where all the kids go for a few years, and then they swore to go to college with each other. She guessed he just outgrew her and needed someone new.

"I have an idea," Sansa smiled, resting her hips against her grey bedding.

"And what would that be?" Alysanne asked.

"Why don't you come up to Winterfell with me!" Sansa said, taking Alysanne's hands excitedly in her own.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to intrude," Alys objected.

"Nonsense, Alys! One more never hurt anyone, plus, I have a cousin you would get along with very well," Sansa smirked.

"I'm not looking for anyone," Alys responded.

"Oh, please. You'll love him! He's been real lonely these past few years, as have you. He goes to Castle Black University, you know, the all boys one," Sansa said, pulling a few duffle bags from under her bed.

"Gods, going to a college with just one gender sounds like hell. Anyways, don't try to set me up with your cousin," Alys responded, shaking her head.

"So you'll go?" Sansa beamed.

"Doesn't seem like I have much of a choice," Alysanne giggled.

Sansa rolled her eyes. "You're as stubborn as they come, you know you wanna go. Better than sitting in the dorm room for three weeks. Start packing, we leave tomorrow morning. Bring lots of black, that's Jon's favorite color."

"Maybe I will go to the Rock after all..."

1.2k words

Hi guys! Welcome to my christmas fic. Thought this was sweet and whatever, so, here we are! Fyi... the chapters on these are gonna be a lot shorter than the ones on the summer past so yeah! Bc this one is just small and sweet, a cutesy little break from my big fic

(december 1st claire here.. idek when I wrote this so this a/n doesn't even sound like me at all but go off

Love youuuuu,

-claire !

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