~Chapter 10~

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A/N: so sorry! its been forever since we've updated. Hope everyone is having an amazing 2024 so far:) This part is just a recap incase you forgot what happened last chapter (you probs did!)

Why was her mom showing her this? It was just making her feel more guilty

Then a thought filled her head. An answer. Almost as if her mom had read her mind-though she probably had, since she was a telepath.

So many people love you Stella.

now on with the story happy reading mls<3

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And with that, more memories were sent into her mind at full blast. It was overwhelming, but something about it felt soothing. So many familiar faces but she couldn't quite name them. In the memory she focused on she could see people by her side that were standing around her giant bed. She recognized her parents first. She had never seen them look so heartbroken and crushed as they stared at their daughter who laid there. Stella in the memory was silent but occasionally she let out a moan which made everyone in the room start to sob. Stella tried to focus more on the other people around her in the memory. She couldn't bear to look at her parents anymore. They looked so pained. It broke her even more than she already felt.

How could she do this to them?

Stella forced herself to pay attention to it and her eyes shifted to a girl who had long wavy chocolate brown hair. She looked guilt stricken and more mad than sad. She looked like she wanted to punch anyone who touched the Stella in the memory.

Did she know this girl?

The girl had giant dark circles under her bright blue eyes like they'd been bruised.

How long had it been?

The slightly familiar girl just stood there beside Stella's bed with her fists clenched but a couple tears slipped down her cheeks. She started to remember who it was when a voice said "Thaila I think we should go."

"No dad, I'm not leaving her side."


she remembered now, one of her best friends.

Fitz came up to Thaila and wrapped her in a hug.

"Honey I've had the same thing happen to me when Grandpa Alden had his mind broken. It was horrible and I got so angry that I took it out on Sophie and I regret it everyday. Sophie will figure this out and until she does we need to give her space and support. She's dealing with a lot."

"I know but I want to be here when she figures it out." Thaila cried as Fitz held her against his chest. "I know you do," he replied softly as he stroked her hair. Stella felt bad for her that she had to deal with this but she knew that if she came back it would get worse.

"Let's go downstairs at least and get something to eat. You haven't had anything in hours." Fitz said patiently, Thaila didn't argue as he guided her out of the room with his arm wrapped around her shoulders to keep her steady.

"We're going to get through this. Together." Fitz whispered. Thaila just buried her face in her hands and sobbed. As they headed for the door Fitz made eye contact with Sophie and Keefe who were and the other side of the room talking to a man (Elwin) before they left the room Fitz told them. "If you need me I'm here".

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