Love Is True

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"Kiara! Kiara where are you!?" Alexis shouts as she is searching in wolf form for Kiara.

"Alexis?" A voice asks revealing to be Vitani.

"Vitani?" Alexis asks before she gives an argument look and growls angrily at her.

"Whoa! Please I don't wish to fight." Vitani says as she backs up slightly.

"You should of thought about that before you betrayed us." Alexis says angrily.

"Look I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean for that stuff to happen." Vitani says as she gives a sad look.

"Yeah. Right." Alexis says as she turns away.

"I mean it. I was going along with Zira at first but..." Vitani says as she looks down.

"But what? You got caught?" Alexis asks as she scoffs.

"No. I fell in love with you." Vitani says as Alexis looks at her in surprise.

"What?" Alexis asks.

"Alexis I love you. I was part of Zira's plan but I don't want to be. Not anymore because of you. I want to leave Zira because of you. I left her pride after the ambush. So did Kovu." Vitani says.

"Kovu left too?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Yes. Because of Kiara. He fell in love with her as I fell in love with you." Vitani says.

"How do I know this isn't another trick?" Alexis asks.m cautiously.

"I can't prove that and I understand you don't trust me. But if you'll let me I want your forgiveness. I don't want to be part of the Pride Lands or the Outsiders. I just want to be where you are. Wherever you are is home." Vitani says as she smiles.

"You're telling the truth aren't you?" Alexis asks as Vitani nods and smiles.

"Yes. I understand if you don't want to be near me but I just wanted to tell you the truth for myself. I hope that one day you'll forgive me." Vitani says sadly as she turns and begins to leave.

"Vitani wait!" Alexis says as Vitani stops and looks back at her.

"Yes?" Vitani asks.

"I love you too." Alexis says as she smiles and shifts to lioness form.

"You do?" Vitani asks as Alexis nods and goes over to her.

"Yes. But our prides will never allow us to be together. Nor would they accept Kovu and Kiara." Alexis says as she sighs.

"Well I got an idea for how to be together. At least you and me. Kiara and Kovu will figure something out together." Vitani says as she smiles.

"What's that?" Alexis asks as she chuckles before Vitani nuzzles her.

"Let's run away together. We can start a pride all our own. We'll be the Queens of our own pride with no one to tear us apart again or tell us what to do." Vitani says.

"But what about your family? Won't you miss them? I'll miss mine. They're all I've known for a long time." Alexis says unsurely.

"I know but we'll be together at least. But my family doesn't care about me. Kovu would miss me but that's it. All I care about is being with you." Vitani says.

"We don't have anywhere to go though." Alexis says.

"We'll look around. We'll find a place that's perfect for us. And maybe someday we can come back and visit. And maybe then they'll accept us. So what do you say?" Vitani asks.

"Let's do it but first I want to find my sister Kiara. I'm sure she ran off because she wanted to find Kovu. But I just want to find her and make sure she is okay. Then we can leave." Alexis says as she smiles and nuzzles Vitani.

"Alright." Vitani says as she and Alexis run off.


Later as Alexis and Vitani are running the two soon stop running into Kovu and Kiara.

"Kiara? There you are. I see you found Kovu." Alexis says as she looks at Kovu.

"Alexis? Why are you out here? Oh. I see." Kiara says as she chuckles seeing Vitani.

"Well I was partly out here looking for you until I found Vitani." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Glad to see you're alright Vitani." Kovu says.

"You too." Vitani says.

"Well we found them. We can head out now if you want. Kiara I love you but I can't stay here anymore. Please stay safe." Alexis says as she looks at Kiara.

"You were running away Alexis?" Kiara asks in surprise.

"I'm sorry Kiara. I know dad will never accept this. If you're wise you'll do the same if you ever want your heart to be free." Alexis says.

"We can't do that Alexis." Kiara says.

"But Kiara if you stay you won't ever see Kovu again." Alexis says as she looks at Kovu.

"If we leave our prides will be divided forever. We can't let this war happen. We have to stop them. Please. I need you." Kiara says as Alexis looks at her.

"Well?" Vitani asks as she looks at Alexis.

"Let's go." Alexis says as the group runs off.

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