Start from the beginning

As Miguel turned to him "really? Because I've never been to a party." he told him, as Jackson turned to him "well neither have I. It was more of a school hallway thing." he was telling him, as Jackson's dad looked between the two of them "big surprise. All right, look." he told them, as the two turned back to him "striking first is about being aggressive, all right? If you're not being aggressive then you're being a pussy. You don't want be a pussy, you wanna have balls." he shared "don't you think you're doing a lot of genderizing?" Miguel asked "what?" Jackson and his dad asked him.

"Oh, uh, sorry. Don't you think you're doing a lot of genderizing, sensei?" Miguel asked him "no, no, what, as in what the hell are you talking about?" Jackson asked him "oh, um, my guidance counselor says that certain words perpetuate the sexist world view that can trigger.." Miguel was saying, as Jackson turned to him, putting his hands on his shoulders, making Miguel face him "no, no, no! Do me a huge favor and when you get to school don't get wrapped up in counselor Blatts nonsense, okay? That women is all kinds of crazy!" he voiced "yeah, from now on your not gonna listen to your guidance counselor, you're gonna listen to me, is that understood?" Jackson's dad asked.

"Uh, okay and yes." Miguel said, as he looked between the both of them "good. Now stop yapping like a bunch of little girls and give me fifty push ups on your knuckles." Jackson's dad told them "okay." Miguel said, as Jackson took his hands off his shoulders, the two got on the ground and Jackson did one push up while Miguel was even struggling to do one "all right, just do some crunches. Don't you have gym class or something?" Jackson's dad asked "yeah." Miguel told him, as he got onto his back, Jackson looked up at his dad "well, let's just say the school gym teachers don't really care about there jobs." he shared.

As the door opened "howdy there, Mr, uh..Lawerence?" a man asked, as Jackson got up off the floor and turned looking at the man who was in slacks and a button down, paired with a tie and some kind of satchel "it's sensei." Miguel said "Miguel, shut up." Jackson's dad told him as he walked toward's the man "what brings you in? Looking to lose that gut and learn how to kick some ass?" he asked him, hitting the man in the stomach, making Jackson's eyes go wide "what are you.." he was questioning, as the man spoke up "no. I'm from the city health department." he said, as he opened his satchel "this is a list of requirements needed to open up an exercise studio." he shared holding it out.

"Three.." Miguel said, as Jackson looked down at him "dude, stop before you pull something that you don't even know you have." he told him, as Miguel looked up at him "like what?" he asked, as the man looked to him "you two? Are you customers? Here?" he asked, as Jackson turned to him "no, we're uh, helping setup this place. It's our last part time job before school starts back up." he shared "really, well my job is to make sure this place is up to code. You don't want a scabies outbreak like that hot yoga place over on Tujunga." the man shared "no, we wouldn't want that." Jackson told him.

As Miguel looked up at him "scabies?" he asked, "shut up and do your crunches." Jackson told him, as Miguel furrowed his brows "but you said..." he was telling him "I know what I said, but then I realized, no pain, no gain, now keep going." Jackson told him, as Miguel continued his crunches, as the sound of the door opening could be heard, a booklet then hit Jackson in the head, as he looked to his dad "you could've given me a heads up?" he asked "should've striked first." his dad told him, as he turned walking to the locker room, and as he did, Jackson huffed, bending down to Miguel, he hit him in the shoulder "come on, get up. We've got actual work to do." he shared, walking off toward's the locker room, as Miguel got up and followed him.

Changing back to regular clothes, Jackson and his dad had gone out to the store as they walked back into the dojo, Miguel was cleaning the matts "looking good, make sure you get both sides." Jackson's dad shared, as he then turned to him "you take care of these exposed wires." he shared, and when he did, Jackson's eyes went wide "seriously? Last time I worked with wires I knocked the entire electrical box out." he shared, as his dad shrugged "well you fixed it after." he told him, as he walked into the office, Jackson followed him as the two put their bags down.

Run for the hills, Sam LarussoWhere stories live. Discover now