"Where are you going?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing. "I'm gonna go back to Jordie. He's probably wondering where I am."

"Oh ok." She replied. I got up again to walk back inside. But first I wanted to get another drink.

When I got into the kitchen I poured myself a drink then went back to where Jordie was but then I hear someone yelling.

I quickly recognise Jordie's voice. I ran in there quickly to see Alonzo up in his face.

"Can't you just leave me the fuck alone!?" Jordie shouts in his face. "Why should I?" Alonzo retaliates with a smirk.

"Just piss off." Jordie pushed Alonzo out of his face. "Who do you think you are?" Alonzo stepped up to him and pushed him back.

Jordie's a pretty good fighter but he was intoxicated so I don't think this was gonna go in his favour.

Jordie clocked him right it the jaw. Alonzo stumbled back a bit. He spat out some blood and looked back up at Jordie.

"You're fucking getting it now." He reached for his waistband pulling out a gun. He pointed straight at Jordie.

"Yo I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Jordie held his hands up in the air. "I don't give a fuck." Just when he was about to shoot I ran over there and pushed him, making him just miss Jordie.

I grabbed his wrist turning it and took his gun. "Ow what the fuck." He said in pain. I kicked him to the ground and aimed the gun at him.

Everyone in the house was silent even the music was stopped.

"Jaxsen, come on let's bounce." Jordie said pulling my arm. "Yea okay."

I got down close to Alonzo. "I'm keeping this by the way." I waved his gun in his face. "Fuck you." He spat.

I turned back to Jordie and pulled him through all the people to the front door. Once we got outside I ordered an Uber.

"The fuck was that all about?" I asked Jordie angrily. "What have you been doing to get a gun pulled on you?"

"Look I'll tell you later but my head is hurting please." He sounded weak. What has this kid gotten himself into? "You better tell me everything tomorrow." I sighed and he nodded in return.

The Uber came and we hopped in. We decided we'd go back to Jordies place. The whole ride was silent, I think he fell asleep half way through.

We got there and went straight inside. His parents were already asleep so we tried to be as quiet as possible.

I wanted to make something to eat before I went to bed. "Do you want some fries? I was gonna make some." I asked Jordie, he was sitting in the lounge room on his phone. "Yes please."

I made my way to the kitchen and took the fries out of the freezer. I put them in the deep fryer. Lucky Jordie's parents room isn't close to the kitchen. Deep fryers are loud as fuck.

After they were done, I got two plates and put the fries on them.

I walked into the lounge room handing Jordie his plate then sat down on the other end of the couch.

My phone got a notification so I pick it up. It was a text from Billie. I opened it to see what she said.


Yo what the fuck was that shit
at the party??

Idk ask your stupid ass friend


Yes he was saying
slick shit

Aight chill I'll sort it
out with him



"So what were you doing with Billie when you saw her?" Jordie raised his eyebrows. "I just went outside and talked to her." I replied getting comfortable on the couch.

"You like her don't you?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "Shut up no I don't I just met her." I pushed him playfully. "Whatever you say."

I felt my eyes get heavy then they shut completely.

A/n Hey

Hope you all had a good day/night

1109 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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