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J a x s e n

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J a x s e n

Jordie and I eventually left the park and chilled at his house for a bit.

"Bro i wanna change before we leave to go to the party." I told him whilst getting off of his bed. "Yea we'll go back to yours then. Are you gonna drink at the party?" He asked me.

"Yea I might as well, why?"
"Cos I was gonna drink too so we should just get an Uber." Jordie said. "Okay good idea." I replied.

"Are you gonna change?" I asked him. "If so I'll wait for you then we can go back to my house. That should give us enough time to get to the party."

"Yea I'll get changed now." Jordie said before grabbing some clothes out of his closet then going to the bathroom.

I decided to go into the lounge room and wait for him. I scrolled on instagram for a bit before he came in here with me.

He was wearing white Jordan 4's with black trousers and a white hoodie with a black and white jacket over the top.

"You ready?" He asked. "Yea let's go you got your board?"
"Okay bet."

We both go through the front door then he locks it behind us.

Skating in the wind is so fun. Feeling the air hit you in the face then go through your hair is just so relaxing to me.

As I said my house was only a couple blocks away so we were there in about five minutes.

We walked up to the front door. I went to open it with my key but someone had already opened it. It was Elias.

"Oh hey Eli. Where are you going?" I asked him before going inside. "I'm not going anywhere I just saw you two through the window so I opened the door." He told me. "Oh okay."

"Yo jax imma wait in the lounge room." Jordie said before walking in there. I didn't say anything and just walked up to my room to change.

Once I got in there I got my clothes and changed. I chose my dirty white air forces with black jeans and a white shirt underneath my grey sweat shirt.

I went back into the lounge room. "I'm ready did you order the Uber?" I asked and sat on the couch next to Eli. "Yea I did."

"Wait where are you going?" Elias raised his eyebrows at me. "It's just a party it'll be fine." I assure him. "Hm okay but if anything happens I want you to call me."

"You know I will."

"Yo Jax the Uber's here." Jordie said to me. "Aight you go out there I'll be with you in a sec." He gave me a quick nod then went outside.

"I love you Eli bye." I hugged him then pulled away after a few seconds. "I love you too kid don't get into too much trouble" He laughed. "I won't!"

I went out to the Uber and got in. Me and Jordie talked for most of the ride about anything and everything. This place wasn't too far away about twenty minutes.

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