<Chapter 8 - Ruckus>

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Song: Angeleyes by ABBA


The sweets have been obtained, and everyone has been huddled up onto Evan's bed.. Which is surprisingly big, seeing how small he is. Bro is legit 5'0 💀

Cassidy and Elizabeth are sat beside each other, bickering per usual. I don't get why they willingly stick together if they're just gonna fight.

"Okay, so, what should we do?" Says Jake, full of happiness as normal. Andrew sighs.

"We should force 3 people to do something for everyone else's own entertainment." Gregory suggests with a wicked smile. Evan just hides behind Gregory, not wanting to be forced to do something.

Meldrick looks over at Gregory and actually speaks. "I agree." That results in a snigger from Fritz.

"Like what, though?" Gabriel and Jeremy ask in unison. Their 'always in sync' thing scares me.

Charlie was about to say, "Nothing bad, I hope," but is cut off by Susie.

"Family roleplay!"
Cassidy looks down at Susie, who is sitting on his lap. He seems sad. I don't know why.

"YES !! That'll be so funny !!" Elizabeth says this absolutely giggling her fucking ass off. I nod in agreement with a grin.

Gregory blows a raspberry, rolling his eyes. "Boorrinnng, not what I had in mind.. But I'll tolerate it. We can spin a bottle but without the drinking to choose the 3 people."

Everyone nods in agreement, whilst Jeremy and Gabriel rummage around to find something to spin. Meldrick randomly gets out a.. syringe.. and hands it to Gregory.

"You can spin that."

Gregory gives Meldrick a side eye but takes the syringe anyway.
"Gather around you retar-"

Cassidy cuts off Gregory with a loud "AHEM," nodding towards Susie.

"....As I was saying, gather around you WEIRDOS." Cassidy nods in approval, a small smile slithering across his face in thankfulness.

Everyone gathers around, and Gregory spins the syringe 3 times. It lands on him, Evan, and Meldrick. Jesus christ, that'll be eventful.

"Thrilling." states Meldrick with the most sarcasm my ears have ever heard.

Elizabeth and I are giggling so much, and I am looking forward to this show.

Fritz sniggers once more, speaking as he does so. "Okay, so we got a crybaby, troublemaker, and my psychotic pookie."

"Call me 'your psychotic pookie,' and I won't hesitate to shove that syringe into your EYE." Meldrick speaks with the nastiest glare known to man.

"You're proving my point!" Fritz sticks out his tongue.

There is no way that man is not fruity.

Evan seems genuinely petrified.
Gregory, meanwhile, is visibly trying to hide his smirk to defend his previous statement of this being 'boring'.


I swear to fucking God, I don't want to do this. Like.. At all.

I'd rather have Fritz call me pookiebears or some random cringe shit instead of all of this bullshit.
Not stoked at all.

My thoughts are rudely cut off by Elizabeth. I fucking hate her.

"Okay, guys! Now, what are the roles in this family? Should we spin the bot-"

Elizabeth is cut off by Gregory. I don't know who I'd rather speak.

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