<Chapter 7 - The Sleepover>

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Song: Die Young, by Kesha (suffer with me bbg)


Evan's room is really cool ! He has a bunch of toys and light up stars on his ceiling! Evan says he doesn't like space, though, which is weird because he has a lot of space themed stuff in his room.  He says he's scared of it! I don't know what there is to be scared of, but ehh, I can't really judge !

I keep saying to Cassy that I like this room and want one like it, but every time I say so, he gets this really sad look on his face, and I don't know why! Maybe he's just jealous because he can't have this room, either - I don't blame him, I'm sad too.

Everyone from Cassy's friend group is here, and for some reason, I'm always invited to the meet-ups. I find it really nice, though, so I'm not complaining!

Then, suddenly, a thought comes to mind.

"OOH OOH OOH !! CASSY CASSY CASSY !" My sentence immediately catches Cassy's attention, and he looks down at me with a small smile, putting his hand on my head. He always does that. I don't know why, though.

"Yeah? Do you need anything, Suz?"

"When's Evans birthday?!?! I wanna get him a birthday present! Do you know what he likes? He might want a new plushie.." I excitedly speak, bouncing up and down.
I LOVE giving people presents! To see the happiness on their faces make my day, and I hope it makes theirs, too!

Cassy makes an expression that makes me think he's thinking. His expression turns back to a small smile. "3 days, I think."

"3 DAYS!?!?" This shocks me! I don't think this is enough time for me to get him a present..

Whilst I'm contemplating how I'll do this, Cassy chuckles and kneels down to my height.
"We'll figure something out, Suz. I can bring you to the shops tomorrow and we can try to find something there?"

I immediately nod happily, buzzing with excitement. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to get something for myself, too! "Okay then!"

I hug Cassy tightly before sitting on the ground, looking at more of Evan's toys to get an idea of what he likes.


"So, who's going to ask my mum for candy?"

Cindy turned to me so quickly that I felt like she nearly got whiplash. "YOU."

"I mean, she is YOUR mom." Cassidy shrugs as he says this, standing back up from his conversation with Susie. I'd ask what they were talking about, but right now, I'm too focused on candy.

Then Charlie speaks up with a small smile on her face. "I can, I don't mind."

Cassidy shakes his head no. "No, let Elizabeth go. She has to learn that if she wants something, she'll have to get it independently."

I furrow my eyebrows at Cassidy. "Alright then, Mr. I'm-so-independant!"

I swear I heard Cassidy growl at me when I said that. His expression was very much pissed, though.

Cindy rolls her eyes at me and Cass' bickering.
"Is it physically impossible for yous two to spend 5 minutes in the same room as each other and not be at each other's throats?"

At this one sentence, Cassidy immediately goes back to his usual unamused expression. I'd say home sweet home, but Cassidy isn't exactly sweet, and his unamused expression isn't home, either.

"No -" he sounds extremely defensive.

Charlie just observes and chuckles.

Cassidy then proceeds to defend his point. "I am able to tolerate her but just decide not to -"

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