Chapter 23

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He said" you don't." I said" I... I... don't." I breathed heavily. He said" you don't." I fell asleep.
Sam's POV
She fell asleep, the energy drained from her 9 year old body. I laid her down and left the room, I walked back into the library and Kevin was finally up. Dean said" what happened?" I said" she tried to break her hands. um... switch I'm going on the case." Dean said" what are you gonna do, Sammy?" I said" do the case and come back." I'm lying I'll do the case and go find Crowley and kill him. Dean said" should I trust you?" I said" yeah." Dean said" okay..." I said" okay." he gave me that look, like he knows something's up. I went into my room and started packing up for 2 days to a week. Dean came in and said" what are you gonna do?" I said" nothing." he said" you're lying." I said" ok, I'm gonna find Crowley and kill him." he said" Sam! You won't." I said" Dean, she was punching the walls, wanting it to end. the pain and sadness she's going through. I had to talk her out of it. she's a 9 year old. She said Crowley can get her from the dead. Dean she wished death upon herself." Dean said" okay, I know, I know, but you still can't go after Crowley alone, that's death." I said" I know, I know, I'm just so angry at him." he said" I am too, but I'm not about to die." I hate when he's right.
Alex's POV
I woke up and looked around. I remember everything. I got up and went into the library, I saw Dean and Kevin, I said" where's my daddy?" Dean said" he went on a case, he'll be back in a few days." I nodded and went back to my room and laid on my bed, turning on my music and listening to music staring into the darkness. I don't like demons they've ruined my life, they killed my mommy, they've turned me into a monster. I want it all to end already.
Dean's POV
I heard her music loud coming from her room. She's thinking of something. I know she is. I looked at Kevin, he was listening too, I got up and went to make sure she was alright. I walked up to her door and I put my ear against it, I heard her crying. I went in and saw her curled up crying into her pillow. I walked up to her and sat next to her, I said" Alex, you okay?" She shook her head. I said" wanna talk about it?" She said" when Crowley put the blood in me, he said he was turning me into a monster." I tensed up, I said" he's not gonna touch you." she said" he already has." I said" what do you mean?" She said" he's turning me into a demon." she looked up at me and her eyes were nearly black, just the orbs though. I said" come on." I picked her up and took her into the library, I said" Kevin. get some books and start researching." Kevin said" what's going on?" Alex looked towards him and then covered her face with my chest. I said" it'll be okay, Alex." she just whimpered. I put her in a chair and grabbed my phone, I called Sam. once he picked, he said" what happened?" I said" where are you at?" He said" 30 miles out." I said" turn around. I'll call another hunter to deal with the case." he said" why?" I said" just come on!" He said" okay, I'm turning around." then I hung up. I looked back at Alex and she was terrified, I said" your dads coming." she nodded. I ain't letting Crowley get her.
After 20 minutes. Sam came back, Alex got up and ran to him, hugging his waist and head buried in his stomach. he picked her up and she didn't look at him, her face went to his neck, crying. He looked at me, I said" Crowley's getting smarter. Alex show him." she lifted her head up and looked at him.
Alex's POV
I looked at my dad and he said" dean what's happening to her?" Dean said" Crowley's turning her into a demon." my dad put me down and went to talk to Dean.
Sam's POV
I went to Dean, we walked down the hall. I said" what do you mean?" He said" Crowley it was his blood he injected her with and she's slowing turning into a demon. Kevin hasn't found anything to stop it." I said" there's always something for us." he said" I know that's why we're gonna head to Bobby's see what he has." I said" where's Alex gonna go. I mean Crowley is probably looking for her and she's not safe here." he said" she's coming with us, Kevin is gonna stay and see if he can dig up stuff, I called Cass and he's gonna come once we call for him." I nodded and we went back to the library. Once we got to the library, I said" Alex go pack, we are going on a trip." she nodded and went to go pack.
Once she and Dean packed, we left and hit the road.
Alex's POV
I was in the backseat. I feel bad. I laid down and used my teddy bear as a pillow and my jacket as a blanket. I fell asleep.
Sam's POV
I looked back at Alex, she was fast asleep. I looked at Dean, I said" Dean, what are we gonna do?" He said" for once, I don't know, Sammy." I look back at Alex again. She was laid across the seat, covered by her jacket and using her stuffed animal for a pillow. I said" Dean, what if she turns into a demon and goes to Crowley." he said" that won't happen." I said" it might." Dean said" if it does, she'll find her way back, the kids tough." I nodded and looked out the window.
Alex's POV
I'm in a dream, more of a nightmare.
I'm in the woods, suddenly I'm on the road. A car stops in front of me, I scream. The person gets out and it's Crowley. He say" come on Alex I've been looking for you." I get into the car and then Crowley and I are at someone's home. Crowley says" kill them." I walk up to the family and I took out my moms blade and I killed them. I turned back to Crowley, he says" that's a good demon girl." I smiled devilishly. I went wild I was killing everything in my way.
I woke up, sweating. I didn't know I was screaming till my dad shh'd me. I cried into his chest, he shh'd me quietly. I finally stopped and fell back asleep.
Sam's POV
She fell back asleep. We were still in the impala, I looked up to Dean, he said" she'll get thorough this." I nodded and got back into the front seat.
It's been hours and we are at Bobby's, Alex is still asleep. I get out and get Alex, in my arms. Dean walks up to the door, Bobby answer. He sees us and then said" what happened?" We explained everything to him and he said" that little girl is turning into a demon?" I said" yeah, we were wondering if you had anything to help." He said" I've never heard of it before, but I'll make a few calls." I said" no, then other hunters will know." Bobby said" well I'll call someone." Dean nodded and we sat down, Alex in my lap.
Alex's POV
I wake up I my daddy's lap, we are at Bobby's on the couch. When did we get here, how long was I asleep. My dad was asleep, so was Dean and Bobby. I slowly got off my dads lap and went over to the mirror, I saw my eyes pure black, I heard someone laugh behind me, I looked at the mirror and saw Crowley. I turned around slowly and went face to face with him, he said" little Winchester Demon. nice touch, isn't it?" I said" turn me back." he said" no." I said" I'll wake them up." he said" no you won't or I'll kill them the second they open their eyes." I said" what do you want?" He said" a partner in crime. that's you." I said" I'm not going with you." he said" you will." Dean woke up and saw Crowley, he went to say something but Crowley started to make him choke. Then my dad and Bobby woke up, Crowley made them choke. He said" come with me and they live. don't, well you know how it ends." I said" let them go!!" He said" no. 5...4...3..." I said" okay! Okay! I'll go with you! Let them go!" He let them go and grabbed my arm then we vanished, right saw my dads face, tears staining it.
Hate me yet?! Well it's not over I swear. but the rest will be 1 year later, Alex will be 10 and she is still with Crowley but... I'm not telling you the rest because I'm a jag and it's too much for you guys to handle.
~ Mk, peace out my lovely people.

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