|Chapter 13|

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|Chapter 13|Atlantis

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|Chapter 13|

April knew the challenges she would face when she decided to play a male-dominated sport, and for the most part, she could deal with it

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April knew the challenges she would face when she decided to play a male-dominated sport, and for the most part, she could deal with it. Though on some days it just became all too much. Laying on her couch with Finn curled up next to her trying to show her support, she scrolled through thousands of posts about her interview today. She knew this was no good for her to look at what everyone was saying but she couldn't help herself. What April didn't realize as she was scrolling with her notifications off was that Lando was trying to reach out to her.

Lando threw his phone on his bed as another one of his calls went straight to voicemail. He tugged at his hair contemplating with himself if he should just go over to check on her. He was torn he didn't want to overstep the boundary that they set as friends but he needed to know she was ok. After pacing for about 5 minutes decided what to do Lando grabbed his phone and keys and headed out the door.

Lando thanked god that he hadn't been pulled over by an officer as he was well going over the speed limit to Aprils House. He quickly parked the car and without a second thought grabbed the key from underneath the mat and opened the door. He was welcomed by Finn barking at him until he realized it was just Lando and layed back down with April. The sight in front of Lando was not something he ever wanted to see, April on the couch with tear-stained cheeks.All April could muster up to Lando was "I need to hide the spare key somewhere else." Lando took a deep breath looking at the girl not knowing how to go about comforting her. "April what happened in the interview today was..." April whipped her head around to face him and cut him off "Lando please just stop."

April got up from the couch with her blanket still wrapped around her shoulders. She headed into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, to which Lando quickly followed behind her. "Lando, what are you doing here?" April questioned the boy who was standing across the island from her. Lando answered back like it was the easiest thing in the world "I came to check on you."April scoffed "Why are you really here Lando? We have both gone years without checking on each other yet here we are." Lando was taken aback by her comment not expecting this outburst. In his time of knowing her, he had only seen her like this a couple of times in his life, mostly near the end of their time. "I'm here because we agreed on being friends April and I know how you get when you spiral." Calling April a friend was the hardest word to say out loud but it was unfortunately the truth of what they were to each other now, at least in her eyes. "Lando you don't even know me anymore it has been years since we have actually really talked." April exclaimed looking at the boy across the kitchen.

The island in between them served almost as an imaginary boundary that had built up through the past years between the two. Lando could see it, he felt how April was pushing him away, the distant look in her eyes. "I do know you Reyes. I know you better than I know myself. It has been years since we have talked but that doesn't mean I don't know you still." April looked at the boy with teary eyes and whispered to him "What if I changed?"

Lando couldn't take the distance anymore, and he started walking over to the girl "You may have but that doesn't mean I know you prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate. Or how you refuse to watch scary movies as the one time we did you had nightmares. Or how you still have your first golf club in your bag as it is special. Or how you hate the texture of mashed potatoes." April didn't realize how much Lando remembered about her or how he noticed the little things. He had finally gotten close enough to where he reached out to cup her jaw with his left hand. "Reyes I know you, I could keep listing off details of you for hours if you wanted me to and I will if you want me to," Lando said with a smile looking at the girl as if she had created the stars. She giggled at this and leaned into his hand, reaching up with her own to cover his. "Lando friends don't do this." she whispered to the boy trying not to break whatever was happening between the two and savor this moment.

"Well, maybe we do." he quietly responded not breaking eye contact as his thumb caressed her jaw. April closed her eyes with a content sigh, she knew this was a terrible idea to let Lando back into her life. But if this is what friends meant then she didn't mind Lando being a friend at all.

Hey guys long time no see, whoops! So sorry about being inactive and not posting but Im back and Im going to try to be better! Bu HOLY SHIT 8k reads thank you guys so much for the support

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Hey guys long time no see, whoops! So sorry about being inactive and not posting but Im back and Im going to try to be better! Bu HOLY SHIT 8k reads thank you guys so much for the support. Also thank you for the votes and comments it means a lot to me.

I hope you guys are enjoying this book, I'm tempted to make a Tik Tok account to post edits so let me know if you guys would want that! Also I low-key want to start writing a hockey book so let me know what you guys think of that! Thank you guys again!

I hope you guys are enjoying this book, I'm tempted to make a Tik Tok account to post edits so let me know if you guys would want that! Also I low-key want to start writing a hockey book so let me know what you guys think of that! Thank you guys a...

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