|Chapter 11|

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|Chapter 11|Ruin Our Friendship

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|Chapter 11|
Ruin Our Friendship

The clubs was full of dancing drunk people as Lando walked in with his friends in tow

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The clubs was full of dancing drunk people as Lando walked in with his friends in tow. It was hard to navigate through the crowd to find April. He finally was able to spot her out of the crowd but didn't like the scene he saw in front of him. April was laughing at something Zach had said, he only wanted April to laugh like that with him. He was already getting worked up and he hadn't even greeted the pair.

April was already gone as Zach had kept giving her shots, not stopping. April had no complaints though as she had just won. Being pulled from her conversation she noticed Lando and the boys approach their table. She immediately stands up pulling her dress down as it had ridden up while she was sitting down something Lando noticed immediately. "Heyyyy boys I'm so glad you guys came!" April said pulling them all in for a group hug. "There's the girl of the day! How you feeling after a big win!" Danny asks the girl with a chuckle. "I am feeling amazing, now boys let's get you guys a drink."

After multiple shots later everyone is on Aprils level, except Lando, he decided that he wanted April to have her night and have her not worry about anything. He had one beer just to loosen up but moved on to coke after. He couldn't stop smiling looking at his friends celebrate the girl he has loved for years finally accomplishing her dreams, he felt like he was dreaming.

Though soon it turned into a nightmare as he saw who else was dancing with them, Zach. Lando did not like him to say the least. Lando would admit that he didn't like Zach just because of how close they were but there was also a gut feeling that he felt something was off with this guy, he didn't trust him.

Breaking Lando out of thought he feels Carlos hand on his shoulder shaking him "Are we going to see dj Lando tonight?" Landon's eyes went wide as he looked over to the clueless girl "What do you mean dj Lando?" "Oh she doesn't know, well your little ex boyfriend here somtimes did when we go out!" Aprils eyes immediately light up as she grabbed on to Landos shoulder begging to see. He couldn't say no to his champion as she is begging him with her puppy eyes. "Fine." "Yesss!"

Lando grabbed onto the drunk girls hand so he wouldn't lose her in the crowd as he made his way to the dj booth. April watched as he made small talk with the dj and shook his hand taking over the set. April could not believe her eyes she had no idea of this secret talent Lando had. "When did you learn how to do this?" "Umm about a six months after our breakup." He said sadly not making eye contact with April. At the time he had just been broken up with and needed something ti distract himself so he choose to try out dj. "Well you really good at it." Lando finally looks over to the girl who has a smile adorning her face, he would never get sick of looking at her. "Everyone give it up to your winner April Reyes!" Lando yells over the mic to the crowd who all shout.

Without thinking April kisses Lando on the cheek. Lando freezes he missed feeling her lips on him even if it was just on the cheek. He has craved her lips for years and finally was able to feel them but he knew it wasn't right she was drunk and that's not how he wanted it to be. "April let's get you home." Lando says to the girl as he pushes hair out of her face "Zach said he would bring me home though." "No he's not I will." April was dragged out of the club by Lando not even having a chance to reply.

On the drive home April had fallen asleep in Landos car. Lando couldn't stop looking at her peacefully. He didn't want to wake her so instead he opened her door and tried as quietly as he could carry her in the house. As he entered with April in his arms resting her head on his shoulder Finn greated the pair looking for attention. "Hi Finn! Don't worry I will be back to say hi." He finally reached her bedroom and slowly placed her down. As he was leaving April had mumbled something that made him stop in his tracks "Lando I never wanted to break up with you." Lando knew better than to trust her sleepy and drunk words but it left him wondering why she did and if he still had a chance.

HOLY CRAP Thank you guys for 700 reads and almost 800 on this book and 100 on my other! Thanks for the votes and comments thank you guys so much! Sorry about not updating for a little bit I just got some reason struggled writing this chapter!

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HOLY CRAP Thank you guys for 700 reads and almost 800 on this book and 100 on my other! Thanks for the votes and comments thank you guys so much! Sorry about not updating for a little bit I just got some reason struggled writing this chapter!

I also need to stop coming up with ideas for new Lando books as I have a sidemen sister idea one! Let me know if I should post it!

I also need to stop coming up with ideas for new Lando books as I have a sidemen sister idea one! Let me know if I should post it!

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