After the Doctor Blew Up the Assylm

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"DOCTOR WHO?? DOCTOR WHO?! DOCTOR WHO?!!!" My people scream. I sneak into the Doctor's box and hide as the door closes. I must wait until he is alone.

Time lapse

The Doctor has dropped the other people off [Amy and Rory]. I try to snoop while he is not looking, but I bonk my head on something and fall to the floor. The room feels like it's spinning, so I close my eyes and rest.

Third person POV:

The Doctor hears a clang and rushes toward the sound. He peaks over a railing and spots a young woman sprawled across the floor. He noticed a huge purple, black, blue, and green-ish-yellow bump on the upper left side of her forehead.

The Doctor jumped over the railing and onto his feet. He bends down and scoops her up the way he did with Amy a little while earlier. After walking up the stairs and lying her on a couch, the Doctor set the TARDIS for London, England, 2015. The month and day was set for random.

The Doctor carried the girl to the nearest hospital and checked her in. After that, he hopped in his TARDIS and flew away. Sadly, expecting to never see her again since he didn't even know the girl's name.

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