Serious Talks

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"Two months," Martha busily tidied the room, trying to direct her anger into something, "and you didn't give us a word about it."

"I wanted to protect you..."

"Right, because we know nothing about having a baby dropped in our laps without warning." She snapped. 

"Martha, go easy." Jon pleaded, ever the peacekeeper. 

"and making him sleep out in the barn, he's not an animal, Clark, he's a child."

"I know he's not, but..."

"All that stuff he said. I mean to say, did you see how shy he became when Clark came downstairs? He thought he was in trouble, poor thing."

"look," Clark stood. "I'll admit, I was... I was bad to him. I didn't know him and I didn't want to. I might have even neglected him. But I did all of it to keep the people I love safe.

"Oh, we'll that's alright then!" She scoffed. "You can mistreat a child all you want if you think it's safer!"

"Martha, the boy's trying to sleep upstairs." Her husband reminded.

"I don't care if he hears." She stuck out her chin. "Clark Kent, I am disappointed in you." The words cut through Clark like a hot knife. He tried to say something, to defend himself, but no words came. "Did you even plan to keep him? Or to get rid of him the first chance you got?" He couldn't respond to that, she wouldn't like his answer. "Go to bed." His mother ordered. "It's too late for this."

Conner woke up in the closet the following morning. He slipped out, blanket still draped over his shoulders. He walked carefully, not wanting to make any noise lest he overstay his welcome.

As he padded down the stairs, he found Mrs. Kent was in the kitchen.

"Good morning, sweetie." She greeted.

"Where's superman?"

"Clark's helping his father with the cows." She replied. "Jon wanted to have a talk with him."

"Oh. okay." Conner said. He just stood there, waiting for Superman to return.

"Are you hungry, baby? I'll get you something to eat."

"You can make food too?" Conner asked.

"I very much can, thank you." She said, almost offended. She softened, reaching out and cupping his face. Conner went to pull away, but it was actually kind of nice. It was rare that physical touch was nice; usually it hurt. "What do you like?"

Conner struggled to think of what he usually ate. "Bread."

"...just bread?"

"I haven't had much else."

Martha, appalled by this idea, decided she would have to make the boy pancakes.

"...The school bus almost fell, it would've if I didn't get there in time." Clark recounted. "His attempts to save the day almost caused several more deaths."

"It sounds..." Jon said thoughtfully. " he was trying to help." He turned to his son. "He just didn't know how to. How old was he at the time?"

"Maybe two weeks." Clark sighed, realizing how bad that sounded. "I admit, I might have been a little hard on him. Especially cause we didn't...we didn't really know each other."

Jonathan nodded. "I can understand why that upset him."

Somehow, those words hurt Clark, and yet... he deserved them. His attempts to do what was right had harmed someone, even if that someone was his clone, and that was his fault. Superman wasn't supposed to hurt people, especially on purpose, and regardless of how he felt, Conner was a person.

"What's that?"


"What are pancakes?" Conner asked.

"They're a breakfast, you cook 'em on the stove and pour syrup over them." Martha explained patiently.


"Because they're tasty."

Conner frowned in confusion as she set a plate of flat cakes before him, drizzled in a thick amber substance. Conner reached out and and picked up one of the cakes, syrup running over his fingers. Conner took a bite, more syrup streaming down his chin. It was good. He liked it.  "Thank you." He said, mouth full.

She gave him a strange smile. "Do you know how to use a fork, darling?" 

"Yeah." He said. "why?"

"Well usually, we're supposed to eat with one." She removed one from the drawer. "Try it out."

Conner gripped the utensil in his syrupy fist and stabbed at the cakes without grace. He raised the cake and took a bite.

Martha decided he probably wouldn't benefit rom a knife at this point. "Do you like it?"

"Yes." He swallowed, setting the fork down. The force of his grip had wrenched the metal handle out of shape, but Martha didn't mind. Clark used to break things all the time when he was young and still learning his strength. She assumed this boy was the same. 

She took a napkin out and bent close to him. "Stay still, baby." She reached out, wiping his face clean. "Now, maybe Pa can give you a tour of the farm when he gets back."

When Clark and his father returned to the house to wash up, Conner was already up, sitting at the table. The boy shrunk as Clark got closer.

"There you are, I made pancakes." His mother said, setting out a couple more dishes for them.

As Clark approached the table, Conner actually stood up and backed away. He shifted his weight, looking everywhere except at him. "What's the matter with you?" He asked.

"I'm sorry." The boy burst out, unable to contain himself. "That you got in trouble..." He fidgeted with his hands. "I'm sorry for whatever I did that you got in trouble."

The room was silent for a moment.

Clark was taken a back. "Conner..."

"Sweetie, Clark is a grownup, he can take responsibility for himself." Ma said quickly.

"Why would it be your fault, boy?" Pa asked, cornering the clone with a hand on the shoulder.

"I... I exist." Conner said meekly, pulling away. "I'm not supposed to." No one knew what to say to that. 


"Superman keeps getting in trouble with people because I'm here." Conner grit his eyes closed, stomping his foot so hard it shook the entire house. 

"That's not your fault." Ma cooed, trying to calm the boy. "We just didn't expect you, that doesn't mean we're upset."

"Ma, not too close." Clark warned. "He has a temper..."

"I've raised a two year old." She replied sharply, turning back to Conner. "Baby, it's not your fault. Clark is taking accountability for his choices. not everything is your fault."

Conner opened one eye. "...really?"

"yes!" She almost laughed. "It's not your fault. Now sit down and finish your breakfast, okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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