When you see it, your muscles brace over your will as you pull up your arms out of pure instinct for defense.

A strange, all-black creature sits by the edge of the orb, like an underwater shadow, its long hair flowing around it like a pack of snakes.

Only its eyes are two glowing, white, infinite circles that swallow you up whole, crushing your soul into pieces with the weight of their gaze.

It hurts.

The shadow moves and stands up, and you recoil as you recognize the shape of a woman, each movement cracked and unstable as if its joints stumble to keep its body together, or its bones are shattered.

You feel its pain, and it terrifies you. A cold drop of sweat flows down your temple.

"One, two," it continues with a disturbing grin, the inside of his mouth gleaming as its eyes. "Three. Three?"

It's mocking me.

When it offers a hand with its clawed nails, you shake your head and keep your distance. You use your power, and your katana appears in your hand.

"Who are you?" you shout at it, and the figure moves away. At every step, you are afraid its fragile-looking legs will fall apart. "Why are you here?!"

But without any answer, the creature suddenly touches a dark, crimson wave in the ocean and disappears.

You stand in complete fright for a few moments, but then, you run there and follow it before the fragment of time would fade.

You can't leave it alone because as you remember its silhouette that mirrored you in a distorted way, you can't get rid of an impression that chokes you.

What if part of my mother stayed behind?

That would explain why it has control over the ocean. A split of the previous owner of my Devil Fruit.

She will never rest until it follows her, as half of Promise was here for a while too.

I have to free her.

But as you arrive at a snowy field with a frozen river, your sword suddenly falls to the ground.

King's healing flames die away.

You start crying as you see Eustass Kid standing opposite you, his beautiful, amber eyes wide as he sees you.

He presses his lips together and shakes, and you run closer, then fall open his neck, sobbing his name in relief.

You are alive.

You are here.

You feel his scent as he slowly kneels while holding you in his warm embrace. He drops his head over your shoulder and tightens his hug.

You are whole again.

"I was so scared, Kid," you whisper to him. "I was so scared I won't see you again. I don't want to be alone, never again."

You hide your face by his chest.

"Please don't leave me alone," you cry softly, and he strokes your back to comfort you. You kiss the long scar on his neck, and he shivers. "I love you, Kid."

He stays silent, and you scowl.

You lean back and cup his face gently, your heart aching as you see his distant, empty eyes.

"We will find a way to make things right again," you promise him. "I know we will. That's how we are. We are strong together."

One of your hands runs up his bright, silky hair.

Gold and Red [Law × Reader, Kid × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now