~The weird proposal~

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Rohit's POV They were talking and then Rits came in

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Rohit's POV
They were talking and then Rits came in. "Hi guys sorry to disturb but I had to check something with Ro."she said very sweetly.

Thats when it struck Ro. He had found it. The girl he was looking for.

Rohit walked up and got out of the room. They discussed something about an upcoming shoot. "Ok, so that was it. You can go and resume your conversation." She said with her million dollar smile. Should I ask her? Fuck it.

Rits turned around and had already started walking when Ro decided that he would risk it and tell her.

"Ritsy, wait!"He called out and ran upto her.

She turned around and looked at him confused. "Do you have any questions regarding the shoot? Or is it about Vi?" she asked.

"Neither. I need you to do me a favour."

She nodded and said, "Alright, go on." He looked around and said, "Not here.  can we talk in like private?"

"Ok then. Lets go into my room." Rits said and led the way to her room. They both entered and Ro took a seat on the bed.

"So?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Today morning, I met a few of my school friends in the Cafe. We were talking normally when they invited me, to the wedding of another girl I knew during school. Then they asked me if I had a girlfriend and I accidentally said that I did. Now they asked me to bring my non existent girlfriend to the wedding." He explained

"So, I need you to act like my fake girlfriend and accompany me to the wedding." he said in one breath.

"What!?" she asked surprised. "Why can't you just tell them something or make up some excuse?" she asked

"Well its different." He had nothing to hide from Rits. And if he wanted the favour then he needed to be completely transparent about everything.

"Radha, the girl who is getting married, I- I used to like her in 8th grade. She had insulted me in the worst way possible and had told me that I would never be successful and no girl would ever like me. That day I swore to prove her wrong. The first one I have done but the second one I need your help with." he said explaining it.

"And I'm assuming that Vi doesn't know about this? Thats why all the secrecy." She asked and he nodded.

She thought for a while "Are you sure you are so desperate to do all this just to prove her wrong? Or Is it because you want to prove it to yourself? " she asked thoughtfully.

She was one of the very few people that could read him properly and call out his bluff. He sighed and said "Maybe."

"Lying was never my strong suit but for you I'll try. But please make sure media doesn't get to know all this. I don't want people talking about me." She said.

That's when it struck Ro. He was being selfish. Extremely selfish. He was about to put his best friend through so much discomfort because of his stupid ego.

"I'm sorry Rits. I'm really sorry. I should've considered your comfort. I have been very selfish. Dont worry I'll tell them" he said and quickly stood up.

She pulled him back by grabbing his arms. There was this weird feeling in his stomach. He looked at her and said.
"Its ok Ro. I get it. I'll be happy to help you. But we have to come up with stories and clauses." she said softly.

Ro was confirmed that she was an angel who had descended upon earth just for him. To save him he meant. He smiled and sat down again.

"Lets come up with a whole different story-"

"No please. Lets keep it simple. The more complicated it gets the more hard it'll be for us to lie. Lets do something. Keep our story the way it is. Just think If  you had to fall in love with me. Which momment would you choose. Like hypothetically."

"Thats a good idea.You choose first." he said.

"Umm If  I had to fall in love with you. I would choose that night when we had all gone to that haunted house because of Jad and I got so scared I couldn't sleep alone and so you stayed up with me all night talking. You  who Never  sacrifices his sleep."

She said. It looked like as if she was speaking from the heart. The way she mentioned everything with detail. That night was indeed special. It was the first time he didn't mind staying awake.

"If I  had to choose. I would choose the day when I was practicing at midnight because my performance wasn't going well and you told me that everything would be alright."

That was the day even the forever forgetful Rohit Sharma could never forget.

"I can't do this Rits. I am not worth it. I'll fail everyone. Again. " Ro said.

"Will you please think about us for once? please for the sake of us, for me , for Bhai, for Vi and for the millions of kids who look up to you please for fuck sake don't give up so easily. All of us need you. I need you." she said with tears in her eyes.

She grabbed his hand in hers and said, "Everything will be okay Ro."

Ro was brought back to earth from his flashback by her. "You okay?" she asked concerned.

"Hmm" he said "Thank you so much for all this."

"No problem. But are you sure we wont have to do pda?" she asked hesitantly

"We're in India. I dont think kiss wala pda is common here." he assured her.

This was going to be a long month. But with her it will be a little easy.


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