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"Dear Sky's Rain, I am now standing beside you in front of our Family, Friends and witnesses to vow to you. I once landed my eyes on you for the first time, when Pa Type, brought you and Sky out Major Mansion, I was so happy because when I reached out my fingers to you, you held it and doesn't want to let go. Right then, I immediately asked Pa Pete if I can go live with you but of course, it was not good idea I cried at them for how many days after you left the mansion that's when Dad Vegas always brought me to the Kirigun's to let me see you and to play with you. We grow up together, Sky is always mad at me for stealing your attention from him because sometimes, you only cries for me. But then, as we grow up the elders of our family was about to passed away significantly, my grandfather, Korn. We were only 14 and 16 that time when he said we are promised to get married. I remember how sad and happy you are. I know you always like and love me. it shows. But I am just too scared to ask you and pursue because I might hurt you and so I decided to just wait until one day, the unexpected early marriage is needed. "

"I was confused at first, can I be a good partner? can I really take care of you? what if the enemy came? do I have enough knowledge to protect you? and last thing I asked to myself, was can I really love you? Like do you really let me to be in love with you? be possessive more than Sky? "

"I was scared but what more scared me was when you told your parents that you don't want to get married with me. when I saw you being wasted every night and how Sky yelled at me whenever he calls at me. I don't really know what to do. but now, it's not only you who I wanted to hear this promise. (Phayu looks at Sky) Sky.. I thank you for trusting me with Rain. Thank you for giving me a knock off in the head. I am sorry if I hurt your precious brother, but now, I promise to take care of him now until our deathbed. I will always bring him to you whenever he wants or you wanted. Whatever it is, I will not let him go far away from his twin. Now, I am asking you, can I call Rain, My Rain too? (Sky answred, "He is our Rain, Phayu.)"

"To my Rain... I love you since we're still a child and I will love still till our hair turned gray. I'll stay with you no matter what, and even if there's no promised marriage from the deceased elders, I will still choose to get married with you."

Rain to Phayu:

"Phayu, Venice, Storm.. whatever your name is, thank you for standing here with me even if I said I don't want it anymore but it can't be help right? this is our fate. Thank you for taking care of me, if its not Sky, its you who knows how to calm me when I am having my own thunder, whenever I have my rainy mood, storm is calm and never let me feel alone. You always made sure that rain will only have clear skies and have a sunny days. Storm never made me feel scared of thunders and lightnings. Thank you so much for letting me to like you and to love you. I thought it was one sided until I realized, if it is one sided why would you care so much about me? but now, can I ask you one thing? please let the storm be clear with rain always... say whatever you want to say, it's okay. Venice is safe with Varain too. Please trust me too. Let me take care of you too and be with you forever. Rain loves you, Phayu."


Prapai to Sky:

"My sassy Sky who likes to scold me and push me away but misses me. You must be thinking that I am crazy for marrying a stranger like you but always remember, you never been a stranger to me. We might not have a great bond like your twin and my cousin, but thank you for letting me know you just not for the sake of this marriage but also for letting me to love you as my real partner. i am glad that I married you and before that, I am really became your man who cherish you, who ready to protect you, who only wants the best for you. thank you for trusting me. This giant baby of yours are always ready to be down on his knees just to please you. I will be your forever slave, Sky. I love you and always remember, Sky is always belong to wind and Wind is for Sky only." 

Sky to Prapai: 

"I didn't know that I will fall to your trap, P'Pai. I didn't know that I can love again more than before. I know, it's ridiculous, if only I have known early, I didn't let anyone to kiss nor touch me other than you, but what can I do? It's too late, but now, Prapai has surrender to Sky so is Sky. 

Sky is forever yours. I am glad that through this promised marriage, I have met you. Thank you for protecting me and Rain. You know who are the people who important to me and you always make sure that I am at ease. Thank you for staining your hands with bad blood even it's not what you want. Thank you for removing those nightmares and filling me with sweet dreams. Thank you for your warmth. You are making me so let me too. I also want you to be happy and to feel loved. Paris... Sky is forever grateful from the day you saved me until now that you love me. You're standing here beside me, I will promise to be a better half of yours. I love you." 

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