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It's been three days since Rain and his parents hasn't spoken to each other specially with that matter, and with those three days, Rain doesn't come home without being wasted. Sky is furious every night someone will call him or Rain will call to get him in the bar and tonight is no difference from those nights. 

Sky is rushing to VIP room of Phoenix bar and saw Rain still drinking and hugging a bottle of whiskey but Rain seems not noticed him until he pulled the bottle. Rain looked at him shock at first but quickly whined at him. "Ai' Skyyy! let me drink more na~" 

"No! we're going home!" Sky yelled and getting ready to drag again but was stopped when he heard a familiar voice. 

"Oh, my sky is here? I thought it's only Rain who's am I seeing tonight.." It was Gun. 

"What the fuck are you saying?" Rain then asked and was about to stand up but Sky quickly stopped him. Sky knew that if he let Rain to argue with Gun he might kill him. 

"What are you doing here? are you really asking to die right now?" Sky said but Gun laughed at him. 

"Oh, Sky... You know I won't stop till I got you again." Gun said approaching Sky slowly making Sky walk backwards.

Sky felt a wall behind him and Gun pinned his arms making difficult for him to move, Rain was about to help him but someone pulled Rain from behind and put a handkerchief to his nose area and felt dizzy to passed out. 

Sky was helpless as Gun charged on his neck and started kissing him, right then Gun was pulled by the unfamiliar face. 

"who the fuck are you? mind your own business!" Gun yelled out to the man who's now giving his maroon coat on Sky and patting him into his shoulder then asked Sky, "are you okay, nong?" But looked at him with fear in his eyes so the man, looked at Gun and spread his arms widely. 

"this is me, minding my own business, Khun. don't you know that sexual harassment is not allowed here?" the man said making Gun stunned. 

"Khun Paris?" Gun then suddenly asked making the man laugh and said, "Yeah. That's me. and don't think I'll let this slide!" The man, named Paris said and signaled his men to enter the vip room and Gun was dragged out of it. 

Right then, Sky fall into his knees and started crying. Paris make a quick call but as soon as he saw Sky not looking good he quickly come to him and tried to calm him. 

"Nong.. calm down now. You're safe. Don't worry." Paris said to Sky who is now looking at him with a scared eyes. Paris didn't know but he pulled him into hug. 

Right then, Phayu barged in the VIP room and saw Rain passed out while Sky is in Paris' arms crying. 

"What happened Ai' Pai?!" Phayu asked Paris which made Sky confused. 

"Do you know each other?" Sky asked suddenly and Paris nodded. 

"It's already settled, don't worry. Check on your boy." Paris said and brought Sky in the couch next to Rain. 

Phayu was about to approached Rain but Rain is quick and opened his eyes panicking as he is finding Sky but felt relieve as soon as he saw Sky next to him and hugged Sky tightly. 

"Sky... I am sorry.... Are you okay? Did Gun hurt you?" Rain asked Sky panicking and checking in Sky's body. 

"N-no, I am safe Rain... we're safe..." Sky said and hug Rain. 

"I am really sorry, Sky. I will not come again here that you'll need to fetch me again. I am so dumb and careless. I am really sorry." Rain said. Sky then pulled from a hug and cupped Rain's cheek making him to look directly into his eyes and said, "You don't have to be sorry, My Rain. We're fine. Sky is fine. okay?" then, Rain nodded. 

Right then, Rain realized that they are not alone and as he turned around his head, he saw a unfamiliar face and Phayu who's looking at him frowning. Somehow, Rain felt scared to see Phayu is mad at his actions but he didn't show it instead he looks at the unfamiliar face making the man talked, "I am Prapai. Paris Prapai, owner of this bar." flashing him a sweet smile.

"w-we're sorry, Phi---" Rain was cut when Prapai said, "No need to say that. Sky is the victim here." Then Prapai stood up then said, "Come on Phayu, let's bring them to their house, Uncle Type and Uncle Tharn must be worried already." 

The twins were confused but didn't dare to ask any question instead, they let the two man bring them to Phayu's car. 

The ride was silent as the twins is sleeping at back passenger seat, Phayu can't help but glance to Rain and Sky making his sigh deeply which made Prapai chuckled. 

"You keep sighing Phayu. can't you stop?" Prapai said and Phayu glared at him. 

"you know to yourself you love him, why can't you be honest?" Prapai stated but Phayu cursed at him.

As soon as they arrived at the Kirigun's house, Tharn and Type who's at the living area was shock to see a mess Sky and a slightly sobber Rain along with Prapai and Phayu who's helping them to walk properly. 

"Paris?!" Tharn suddenly yelled as he stood up from his seat. 

"Uncle Tharn, Uncle Type.. How are you?" Then Prapai hugged them. 

"When did you arrive?" Type asked him and Prapai responded, "Uncle, please take care of your kids first. Phayu can't manage those two for sure." as he saw Phayu brought the twins upstairs. 

"He can, Rain is the only one who's stubborn but Sky is not." Tharn said but Prapai insist as he said he's staying for tonight with Phayu. 

On Rain's Room ~~~

Phayu helped Rain to get on his bed and prepared a clean clothes for him. Rain tried to ignore him but Phayu spoke up, "get change, Rain. don't sleep with dirty clothes." Rain obeyed after hearing what Phayu said, he washed up then change into clean clothes when he was done, he saw Phayu waiting for him sitting on his bed. 

Rain was silent until he reach the bed and lay down. Then, Phayu spoke up.
"Rain. I know you're mad at me, but please be mad only to me. Don't bring trouble to your family." Phayu said in serious tone making Rain realized how dumb he is to do such an action without thinking. Rain didn't response on what Phayu said and chose to just turn his back to Phayu.

Phayu sighed and tucked him in with the blanket, "take a rest. If you're ready to talk we'll talk. We'll talk about the marriage." Phayu said, before leaving Rain's bedroom.

Promised Marriage (BOSSNOEUL X FORTPEAT FF)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora