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Harper and Tyler sat in the hospital room waiting for her to be discharged in silence, Harper finally broke the silence saying "I swear I washed myself out after that night". Tyler looked at her sighing and replied "welp nothing we can do now can we?"

She looked at him with a blank expression with tears welting up in here hazel eyes "ill put the baby up for adoption after its born".

Tyler snapped his head looking at her his eyes widened "no the hell you wont Harper!"

"Tyler we cant even be in each others presences long enough to be civil with one another, plus we obviously are not ready for a kid"

"I'm not going to let you just give it away! We did what we did now we have to accept the results its that simple!" Tyler said slightly raising his voice obviously frustrated at what Harper had said.

"Tyler I don't want to have the kid of my enemy! This was NOT supposed to happen that night was a one time thing!" she said as tears flow down her cheeks "i didn't want this to happen"

"I'm sorry i didn't use a condom Harper that's on me but i truthfully didn't think this would happen, i honestly thought you were on birth control"

She scoffs and throws a pillow at him angrily "I was on birth control you ass hat! Don't try to shift the blame on me!"

Tyler catches the pillow and looks at her sighing "I'm sorry okay i didn't mean for it to come off like that just calm down" he walks towards her setting the pillow on her bed. Harper starts hitting his chest trying to get him to get away from her. "Stop it! get away from me you've done enough you dick head! you prick! ass hole! inconsiderate cunt wagon!" He grabbed her hands and held her close in a tight embrace as the nurse comes into the room with Harpers paperwork and a prescription of prenatal vitamins handing them to Tyler as harper stays buried in his chest hitting him. He dismisses the nurse and looks down at Harper who's crying still hitting him angrily. Tyler let out a sigh and spoke. "do you want to keep hitting me or do you want to go home?" Harper looked at him her eyes slightly red from crying and reply's with "home now".

Tyler lets her go walking over to the end of the room grabbing her clothes giving them to her and he exits the room holding her medicine and paperwork waiting for her to come out.

Later that day Tyler reaches Harpers house as she takes a deep breath and unbuckles the seatbelt opening the door about to get out when she feels Tyler grab her wrist "runt make sure to eat and take your vitamins and also be sure to make that appointment" he said seriously. She looks back at him taking her wrist replying with "I'm not 5 you prick i will" with that she leaves his car taking the medicine and paperwork and goes into her house leaving him in his car. Tyler sat there for a few moments before driving off heading back to his own home. As he was driving he started thinking about the news him and Harper got, they were going to be parents. He was both surprised and angry at himself, he let out a frustrated sigh and ran his fingers through his hair as he drove letting his thoughts take over till he got back to his house. Tyler got out of his car and walked into his house shutting the door slumping down th the ground his back to the door.

"im going to be a father..." he says to himself trying to wrap his mind around the whole situation, he continues to stare at the wall repeating the same phrase. He sat there for a few hours till he got a call on his phone from a number he didn't recognize, he answered it to hear a older woman's voice over the phone.

"hello, is this Tyler?" She asked

"yes can i help you?"

"ah yes this is Harpers boss your number is on Harpers file" she responded to him

"why? since when?" he asked confused

"oh well Harper just came by to update her form and your her emergency contact now... But i must ask, is everything okay with her? She looked pale when she came in" The older woman asked with concern in her voice

Tyler sighed pinching the bridge of his nose "ma'am i have no say in what's wrong, but I'm sure she will tell you when she's ready.. she's got a lot on her mind currently" Tyler responds truthfully

He could hear the woman on the other end of the phone let out a sigh "okay well thank you, She did tell me if there's any emergencies to call this number, are you okay with that sir?"

"yeah that's fine, I'm sure she did this for a reason"

"I'm sure, well sir ill let you go... have a good evening" She ended the call and he looked at his phone his eye twitching thinking to himself 'I'm a emergency contact now... guess she's keeping the baby, made me worry for nothing'

He gets up with a sigh and walks to his bathroom setting his phone on the sink as he starts the hot water for the shower, taking off his clothes and got in the shower letting the hot water relax his muscles from the stressful day. After a few minutes of him relaxing in the shower he hears his phone go off he peeks out of the shower grabbing his phone unlocking it and opening his messages to see Harper messaging him.


I'm craving shaved ice and pickles ass hat


and what do u want me to do abt it?


Go get it for me >.>


y should i?


Because I'm growing your kid and i want shaved ice and pickles, so suck it up and get the mother of your child what she wants


Fine ill be there in about 30 your highness

Tyler sighed tossing his phone on the sink counter washing off the soap and hops out during himself off wrapping his towel around his waist walking to his room grabbing a pair of black sweat pants and a gray work out top he takes his towel off him putting his clothes on slipping his sneakers on grabbing his wallet and keys walking out of his house locking the door behind him heading to the store getting what Harper asked him for.

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