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--------------------------3 Months Later----------------------

     Its been three months since the incident with her ex boyfriend Elijah and that one night of revenge with Tyler.  She had finally made herself a friend, her name was Savanna she had fiery red hair with delicate features making her look innocent and sweet. They became friends on the common despise of Elijah, they were inseparable always going out to the movies, getting ice-cream or just chilling at one another's houses. Harper decided not to mope around at the loss of a peace of work like Elijah she began working at the connivence store she frequented working with the older woman there. She enjoyed her job always wearing a smile on her face as she took care of customers, occasionally Tylor would stop by and torment her like he always has thankfully for Harper he didn't change stayed the same since that night. 

     As Harper was working she began to feel slight stomach pains but she tried to ignore them thinking it was just her period coming, as she was working Tyler enters seeing her restocking the shelf and walks towards her and spoke. "Hey runt why are you here? too much free time to mope so have to work?" he said with a smirk crossing his arms. Harper looked up at him glaring at him replying "and what are you doing here? Nothing seemed more fun but to come to the store and bother me?" she seethed as she chucked a bag of potato chips at his head. He caught the bag before it hit him opening the bag and started eating them "just bored gotta make sure you know your nothing special". Harper growled at him turning away and continued to stock the shelf when she started to feel the sharp pain in her belly again making her groan and hunch over.

      Tyler looked down at her confused "hey  are you feeling alright?" before she could even respond to him she turned pale her eyes rolling back and she looses consciousness starting to fall. Before she hit the floor Tyler caught her holding her and he screams "Call 911!" to who ever was in the building. He held onto Harpers unconscious body panicking he cusses under his breath picks her up and runs to his car ignoring the stares he was getting and put her into his passenger seat closing the door and he runs to the drivers side gets in and drives to the hospital


      Tyler sat in Harpers room with her as she was still in the same condition as earlier, The doctor walked in holding a clipboard and Tyler immediately stands up looking at the older male and speaks.

     "well what's wrong with her doc?"

      "No worries she's fine just over tired" he responds and looks at his notes and the test results and looks back at Tyler asking a question "what is your relationship with miss Stevens?"

       "were-" before he could Finnish they hear Harper s voice finishing his sentence "frenemies i guess you could say" she's sitting up holding her head groaning looking at her surroundings confused "what the hell happened?" Tyler walked over to her side the opposite side from the doctor standing there waiting to hear what he has to say.

       "hello Harper my names Dr. Frank you were brought here a few hours ago because you passed out can you tell me what happened?"

       "umm Tyler was there we were doing our normal arguing back and forth when out of nowhere i felt a sharp pain in my stomach... then everything went.... Black?" she responded recalling her last memory from before the hospital.

       Dr. Frank nodded and sat down in his doctor chair  and opened looked at his notes and writes down what she had told him nodding then says "did you know you were pregnant miss Stevens?"

      Harper and Tyler's eyes widened and harper chuckled nervously "don't joke with me doctor i cant be i haven't had sex in-"

      "about 3 months?" The doctor finished her sentence making her nod slowly and he continues "your roughly 10 weeks pregnant about 3 months" her eyes widened and her head snapped to Tyler who turned pale and his eyes were wide.

     Harper snapped her head back to the doctor and says "there's no way! i cleaned myself out really good! take-Take another test its impossible" she said stuttering

      The doctor shook his head and replied "ma'am we've tested 3 times all positive" he looked at Tyler and spoke "are you the father possible?"

      Tyler blinked and came back and replied "if she's that far along i think so?"

      "okay well let me give you the run down young man do you have any other kids?" Tyler shook his head no in response and the doctor continues "okay well she will need to take prenatal vitamins every day, she also needs to make a OBGYN appointment immediately" the doctor looks at Harper who is stunned by the news trying to process it he continues explaining everything to Tyler "also she wont be able to lift a lot of heavy things could possibly risk the baby so you need to keep and eye out, Every pregnancy is different so expect the unexpected" The doctor finishes what he was saying and smiles "any questions" they both shook there heads no Harper still absent minded and Tyler still wrapping his head around everything, the doctor chucked lightly and said lastly "don't worry all new parents react the same way, congratulations to you both" and with that he left the room leaving the two in the room to themselves alone.

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