Chapter 29 - Pool Accident

Start from the beginning

No, I totally wasn't disappointed.

I was aware that Kushida was trying to invite Suzune out many times, only to be mercilessly rejected by her.

She was so fixated about my seatmate that I started to wonder if she actually had some feelings towards the black-haired girl.

Kiyotaka: "It's admirable that you still want to be her friend after the cold treatment you received, Kushida, but I think you should give up on this. Horikita just dislikes relationships. Leaving her alone would probably be better for both of you."

Kushida: "But I'm sure that if Horikita-san opened up a little, we would be able to understand each other better. Also, aren't you on good terms with Horikita-san, Ayanokouji-kun? She talks with you from time to time."

Kiyotaka: "We just exchanged some words as seatmates. I don't think she thinks of me as a friend."

To be honest, I was sure that there wasn't a person that Suzune hated more than me at the moment.

Kushida: "But you are still able to converse with her. I would like to speak with Horikita-san just like you, Ayanokouji-kun."

Just slap her rear and you will be at my level, Kushida.

Kiyotaka: "I understand how you feel, but..."

Kushida: "Won't you... help me?"

She made a cute, puppy-like face of pleading.

Kiyotaka: "..."

Wow, she was good.

Despite all my wariness of her, it still affected me.

She was really natural and smooth at it.

If I didn't receive Christine's lessons about using expressions as a weapon, I may even doubt my earlier conclusion about her.

It was a very well-made attack towards an adolescent boy.

Unfortunately, she hit a wall today.

I was teased by true vixen for the past two years, so I had an experience against such people.

Kushida definitely wasn't acting out of the goodwill.

She was hiding that she knew Suzune from before the school.

Although she was saying that she wanted to befriend everyone, she wasn't as passionate towards the other people as to Suzune.

The coldness that I felt at that time wasn't my imagination.

Suzune was her target.

The question was: why?

Kiyotaka: "Well, I guess I don't have a choice. I will try to help out just this once."

I made a troubled expression, while looking away, to make her believe that she succeeded in her attempt.

Kushida's case was rather intriguing, so I decided to help her out, even if it was going to be a pain in the ass to make Suzune interact with her.

Kushida was currently at the top of class' food chain.

If I found out what she was hiding, and it turned out to be useful, I could gain big from it.

Kushida: "Really?! Thank you very much, Ayanokouji-kun!"

Kushida's face lit up.

She jumped a little in delight, making her chest shake greatly.

She was really attractive and knew how to use it to her advantage.

Kiyotaka: "So, what exactly would you like to do?"

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