Chapter 5 - S-System

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Kiyotaka's POV

Information that Chairman Sakayanagi gave us about his school was slim compared to the reality.

Just from walking to the staff room, I could see many different facilities for sports, entertaiment or shopping.

I could see many students enjoying themselves, as if this was a paradise.

To be honest, I am genuinely surprised that so many things are available for students.

I mean, this is high school for elites of Japan.

Although some kind of comfort was expectable, this is a little too much.

Just how much money is this school spending? And how much money does a student needs to have to enjoy all of this?

I doubt everything is for free.

Kiyotaka: "Chairman Sakayanagi, I have a question. Does this school allows some part-time jobs for students? We were not allowed to take some money with us here, so how students pay for their life necessities?"

Chairman Sakayanagi: "No, we took care of money problem with different means. It's called S-System."

Kiyotaka: "S-System?"

Chairman: "Your homeroom teachers will explain everything to you. Please be a little patient."

That's interesting. He didn't say that we could do part-time jobs, but it seems that we could earn money by different means.

In the outside world, money is one of the most powerful weapons after all.

People can betray for money, can kill for money, can destroy for money.

I saw many examples of that.

With money, people can really have or do many things.

S-System huh?

I wonder how much this 'different means' is gonna relate to the current world ideology.

While having such thoughts, we arrived at the staff room.

Chairman Sakayanagi: "Please wait here for a minute. I will ask your homeroom teachers to take you all for explanation of the school rules and system."

Saying this, Chairman left us and entered the staff room.

Nishino: "This school sure is something else, don't you guys think?"

Kiyotaka: "Indeed. I didn't expect so many facilities in the school for high schoolers."

Kiryuin: "We will be practically living here for the next three years. Some things were a must. But it is really going a little overboard. But that's what makes things exciting."

Masumi: "It gives off the vibe of the school for the rich kids."

Nishino: "But we don't have any money on us. I wonder what this S-System is about."

Kiyotaka: "Looks like the school will give us some money. For our grades or some other tasks maybe."

Kiryuin: "I think the same way. It would be interesting, if we could get money for some tasks like in the video games."

What a interesting thought. I was only introduced to some rpg games thanks to that vixen subordinates, but never had occasion to explore their depts.

My field of expertise was something else after all.

Suddenly, the door opened and three people came alongside Chairman Sakayanagi.

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