Me: it's that he is my only true friend I care for him.

Dad: One day maybe you will meet too.

Me: Yeah one day.

Mom: Come on now....dinner time and yeah Nancy stop pulling In Yeop's hair you two ain't kids.

Zhe/ Me : Let me help you Aunt/Mom.

Mom: Why dont both of you.

I just smiled at him and he smiled back.

After dinner Mom took her medicines as it puts her in sleep so she went to sleep early.

While I and Dad caught up alot Got to know about his obsession with Newspaper lol.

He too then left as he was tired with work.

Nancy: Do you wanna have a sleepover?

Me: sure we can talk at night.

Nancy: Great I am going to arrange my room and Yah In Yeop help me.

In Yeop: Am I invited?

Nancy: Ofcourse NOT.

In Yeop: Then I won't help you.

Nancy: Wait I haven't forgive yet for eating my snacks so if you want forgiveness then help me.

In Yeop: Aw man. Okay.

Nancy: Bye Y/n.

And pulled him with her.

It was me and Zhe.

Zhe: You thinking something wanna talk.

Me: Sure.

Zhe: Okay Come this way.

Me: ok.

I followed him.

We went upstairs...then he pushed a button and few wooden stairs came down.

Me: Wow.

Zhe: It's my room upstairs.

Me: you have a room here?

Zhe: Yes I have worked with your dad for many years.

Me: But you are five years older than me.

Zhe: *chuckles* Yea but I joined when I was out of college I was only 20.

Me: Ooo.

Zhe: well I don't live here but sometimes when there is lot of work or I need to stay late in house office then I sleep here.

We went upstairs and I was shocked.

The room was not that big but it has transparent windows and It had a full view of Stars and was beautiful I had no words.

Zhe: Its not that clean sorry.

Me: It's beautiful

Zhe just smiled and pulled two bean bags.

Zhe: Sit here I will come soon.

He left and I saw the beautiful view.

Zhe came back with two cups in his hands.

Zhe: Hot chocolate?

I smiles and took a cup from him and started to sip.

Zhe: well there are many big rooms in this house And Mr Min( ur dad ) offered me one of them but I chose this I fell in love with it the moment I saw this room.

He smiled.

Me: So My dad and ur dad our friends?

Zhe: I think you don't remember but we were friends when we were little...
Me, Nancy and In Yeop and you we all used to play together.

Me: what?

Zhe: well I was I a bit older so I went to boarding school when I was 10 and then I think you met with Yibo.

Me: Ooo.

Zhe: Well we used to talk or If I came back for holidays...when my mum died my dad thought to change the place and we left so I had less time to visit.

Me: I am sorry I should have remember you.

Zhe smiled.

He got up and pulled out a box under the bed .

And then go through the stuff.

And pulled out a photo.

He then put the box back in.

He showed me the photo.

There was a girl and a boy.

The girl was sitting on a wing while the boy was pushing he from behind.

And I realised that girl was me.

Zhe: that boy is me.

Me: Awww you look so cute.

Zhe blushed and took the photo back and kept it in his shirt's pocket.

Zhe: So what were you thinking you looked really lost.

Me: thinking about my life and know moving on is not hard but the result after that is pure pain like how can I forget all those years of my life.

Zhe: you know nothing stays forever with you not even you at some point the thing is that we need to cope up with it because that's life, we live by our choices well it was ur choice if you wanted you could have stayed and always stayed in the dark and would never have met ur family.

Me: Maybe...but whatever my old friends did to me I am very hurt to know that was their choice.

Zhe: well now what can we do..

Me: I just know now that we need to let go of things and I will because they would hurt me everytime I will think of it.

Zhe: So what you wanna do now.

Y/n: I want a closure.

Zhe: What? How will you get that closure..

Y/n: colsure would be revenge and that's my choice.

Everyone make their choices Like Y/n did escaping, her uncle did not to be a good person rather than be jealous and ruin everyone's life among his and BTS did to support her uncle or maybe......BTS after all didn't have any choice.........

Now let's see where this story will go to....

What's in the fate of Y/n and Taehyung......

Will Y/n have her revenge?

Will Taehyung Ever tell the his part of the story?

Will she hate him forever?

Will she forgive him?

And most important...

Will they have a happy ending?

Life is never Rainbows and Unicorns or Sunshine.

And yeah Love is Never Easy.

So let's see what happens in future.

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