When Everyone Plays 21 Questions

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My friend and I just played this game and it gave me some ideas so here it is

It was a rainy day today and the area was expecting a thunderstorm so you were currently laying in bed bored out of your mind. That was when an idea popped into your mind and you messaged the group chat to see what everyone was doing today. You added the bots into the groupchat too just for this.

Y/N: So, who's up for a game of 21 questions? I'm bored as fuck out here because of this upcoming storm

Miko: Sounds like fun. I'm in!

Jack: I'm not doing anything either so why not

Steeljaw: What's 21 questions? Is it another board game?

Y/N: Not exactly. We just ask each other questions and the person being asked a question answers truthfully. Then they ask another question right after until we get to 21 questions

Thunderhoof: I don't really see the point in this but eh, not like we got anything else better to do

Fracture: Agreed

Y/N: Great. Now, one more thing before we start

Y/N added Bumblebee, Strongarm, Grimlock, and 4 others

Bumblebee: Huh, hello? Why are we here?

Steeljaw: Bumblebee. So nice to see you again 😈

Bumblebee: Steeljaw?! 

Sideswipe: Woah woah, someone wanna tell me WHY we're in the same chat as these cons right now? 

Y/N: Relax. We're all friends here. We're just gonna play a fun little game of 21 questions. You get to ask anyone whatever you want and they cannot lie. They need to answer truthfully

Sideswipe: Okay I like this idea. I get to annoy Strongarm 

Strongarm: Silence punk

Y/N: Anywayyy is everyone ready? I believed I already explained how the game works.

Everyone: Yes

Y/N: I'll start off then. Raf, how about I ask you a question first. What's your favorite thing to do in your free time?

Raf: Oh, well I just like to hang out with Bumblebee if i'm not on my computer

Y/N: Fun. Okay now ask somebody else a question. We'll keep this going until we get to 21

Raf: Bumblebee, do you enjoy being a team leader?

Bumblebee: Couldn't have asked for a better team. Wouldn't trade them for the world. Even if some of them act like teenagers

Sideswipe: I'm right here you know 😒

Drift: You do tend to act a bit childish. He's only speaking the truth

Sideswipe: Whatever man. No one asked for your opinion anyway gramps

Drift: Excuse me?

Sideswipe: You heard me

Drift: ...

Miko: Roasted

Jack: Miko..

Bumblebee: Moving on. Question 3, Steeljaw, Why did you want to rule over this world so much?

Steeljaw: Easy. I simply wanted a world for decepticons. And what better planet to rule over than this one? 

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