Sleepover/Karaoke Night

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It was currently 11 am in Crown City. You were currently resting at home since it was friday and you didn't have college for the next two days so you were thinking about what to do this weekend.

Suddenly your phone lit up and you gotten a message from Miko.

Miko: Heyyy Y/N I just had the best idea ever!

Y/N: Uh oh. Do I even wanna know what this idea is?

Miko: We should have a sleepover! We can play video games and do karaoke night together.

Y/N: No way. Miko I can't even sing. And my house is WAY too small for you all to sleep over.

Miko: Come on pleaseee I promise it'll be so much fun.

You thought about it before responding back again. You did have no other plans... and your mom was away for a few days for family stuff that you didn't wanna attend so you stayed behind and took care of the house. But how the heck were you gonna fit everyone? The house only had 2 rooms, a guest bedroom, and the basement. And karaoke night? You hated singing. This was a disaster waiting to happen. 

Hesitantly you replied back after a few minutes of thinking. 

Y/N: Fine... but JUST this ONCE. I'll ask everyone what they're doing today to see if they can come over. But if you guys make a mess i'll kill you all.

Miko: Thanks Y/N you're the best!!

This was going to be a long night...

You all agreed to meet up when the sun started setting so by about 6 pm you heard knocking at the door and opened it to see your 3 friends. Miko had somehow brought an entire fucking karaoke machine here. June must've drove them over here and had it in the car.

"Aw yeah it's gonna be an awesome night!" she shouted.

"Where are the cons?" Jack asked. I looked at my phone to check for any new messages. "They'll be here soon. So we should set up and get everything ready before they come." I told Miko to set the karaoke machine in the living room since my own room upstairs would be too small for everyone. 

I also set up my gaming console by the TV and put a few games next to it for us all to play. (I'll leave that to your imagination cause there's several consoles and thousands of games)

"When the crew gets here then i'll-" you were cut off when the doorbell rang. "Oh perfect timing." You walked to the door and opened it for Steeljaw and the rest of the gang. "Come on in guys."

You gathered everyone on the couch to make a small announcement. Now that everyone was here, it was time to decide where they will all be sleeping. They had no idea what was going on, or what a sleepover was, but they looked forward to it anyway.

"Alright, so before we do anything, I need to decide where you all will be sleeping. Fitting you all might be difficult but i'm gonna try anyway. After all this was someone's idea not mine." You glared at Miko before you continued speaking. 

"There aren't enough rooms for everyone so someone's gonna have to sleep on the couch unfortunately. We also have the basement that can probably fit two more people. Underbite, are you fine with the couch? I'm afraid all the beds might be a bit too small for you" I asked, seeing as his holoform was almost 7ft tall

"If it's comfy i'll sleep anywhere."

Phew I was afraid that was going to be the most difficult since no one likes to sleep on the couch. "Good. Alright next, Jack, Raf and Clampdown will be in the guest room. Clampdown might have to sleep on the floor though as that bed might be a bit too small to fit all three of you. The bed only fits two people."

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