Wedding💍crashed💥(Part 1):

Start from the beginning

*An hour later, the wedding Ceremony began*
Kara got up on the stage platform and started singing🎤🎵the song 🎼(*Thousand Years*) John was in the middle at the altar and Brainy was in his spot standing happily on the left side waiting patiently for Nia Nal, his soon-to-be Wife in "white" about to walk down the aisle in a few microseconds... with her father while hoping that everything goes well for the wedding without any interruptions. Moments later, Nia was walking down the aisle holding a bouquet💐of flowers in her hand while being escorted by her dad "Paul Nal" who was in happy🥹tears that his younger daughter was finally getting married💍and thought that mom would be so proud of her! As Brainy was awed at the sight of Nia looking as "beautiful" as ever and loved❤️her even more than he could ever possibly imagine... the music stopped playing as he let go of his daughter while giving her a kiss on Nia's cheek and headed to his seat right next to his other daughter "Maeve". Nia handed her bouquet💐to Kelly and walked up to Brainy on the right side facing her soon-to-be Husband while gazing deeply into his eyes that looked like stars✨to her. Bright, brilliant stars! "You look beautiful," Brainy said softly in a low-frequency voice that only Nia Nal could hear. She smiled brightly when hearing his sweet compliment and couldn't wait to marry him to begin the next chapter in their lives together💚💙.
As he felt the same way as she did! John smiled at them feeling their love for each other and knew that they wanted to get started.
He cleared his throat to say. "Welcome, Friends and Family to celebrate the union of Nia Nal, Dreamer🌀, and Querl Dox, Brainiac-5.
I must say that I have been waiting for this moment since I first met Brainy and Nia... I always had a feeling that they would find their way back to each other through time🕒and space🌌even though, the end💥of the world🌎. And right here I can already feel how strong their love❤️is for one another and I know they are a good match. You two deserve each other. Now, I like to step back and let them say their vows." John said softly starting off the ceremony by speaking from the heart❤️that he'd "always" known someday this day would come for Brainy and Nia after all these years with them and how they truly are made for each other💚💙.

Brainy was just about to tell Nia Nal the vows that he had programmed into his software and memorized the speech in his brain to speak from the bottom of his heart💚about how much she means to him leading up to this moment since the day he'd first met her. Until he was so rudely interrupted by a time portal that magically✨appeared in the middle of the aisle everyone in the audience started freaking out in fear of the unknown... as someone came out of it to this exact moment revealing a Woman dressed in a futuristic purple/black suit while saying as an introduction. "Love doesn't last forever and it'll die eventually... so, prepare to meet your end! Brainiac-5 and Nia Nal," she shouted out loud with a murderous look in her eyes then took out a vaporizer gun blaster from her hidden pocket and was about to pull the trigger to obliterate the bride and groom out of existence so that the future✨would change for the worst! "You got to be kidding me?" Nia commented. She looked around her and then spotted the lanterns filled with "dream energy" and knew that this was the time to use them now in this situation. She summoned her powers into her gauntlet bracelet siphoning the energy out by force to use it to give her the extra power she needed to protect the people she loved❤️safe and then shot out a powerful dream🌀blast in the form of a "lotus flower" that released an electric shockwave! But it didn't affect her at all... like she barely felt it. She cackled evilly. "Nice try, Nia Nal! But I'm not your average bad guy... I am from the future "2050" to be exact. And I know a thing or two about taking a hit from a Naltorian💙Woman dream blasts." she said softly stating the facts of her knowledge of Naltorians. Brainy gasped as his eyes widened in shock when the Woman said that and could sense that there was fear in Nia's eyes cause all he wanted was to protect her from it no matter what... but sadly this was something that he couldn't protect her from.

Nia gasped afraid of dying so soon in her life because today was supposed to be "perfect" and her future✨seemed light years away but now it was all about to end without having any say in the matter. She backed away holding onto Brainy tightly for dear life and he did the same thing as well holding her close to his chest to be by Nia Nal's side till the very end even in "death" both realized this really was the end...
At the last second another time portal opened up as a dream energy lasso came out fast and managed to stop the dark beam in time before it had the chance to hit Brainy and Nia. Then, a Naltorian🌀woman similar to Nia's dreamer suit but unique & futuristic, and a Coluan quickly jumped out of the portal while posing heroically to stop their arch-nemesis! And yes, they are both 100% Brainy and Nia's kids as adults from the future "2050" who are both half-Naltorian and half-Coluan. "No, damn it! Not you two again," she said upset in frustration that Isabel and Noah Dox stopped her from killing their parents at just the right time.

Winn was in shock to see them here in the *present* cause he knew them very well and specifically told the two of them to stay back home in the future where they're from while begging them not to interfere or come here under any circumstances of messing up the timeline.
"Isabel, Noah! I thought I'd told you two to stay back home in your time," he said loudly reminding them of why they both can't be here in the basic rules of time travel. "Sorry, Winn. We just had to for the sake of the future! And we just couldn't resist coming," Isabel said apologizing to him while explaining why they had to come to the present also, couldn't resist getting involved for future reasons😅.
"Besides, if it wasn't for Us right now then... well, you know," Noah added stating the facts that if they didn't come then there would be a 99% chance of their parents being "dead" and the space-time would just be broken. "Wait, what? Winn, do you know them?" Nia questioned loudly in confusion about how he knew them and who they were as Brainy wondered the same thing too. "Yeah, sort of... you can say that. Nia," Winn said nervously trying not to reveal too much about the future✨that he knew. "Well, who are they? And how do you know them if they're from a different time?!" Brainy questioned out loud wanting some answers. Winn sighed. "Fine, I'll tell you two. But don't say that I didn't warn you. Brainy, Nia, meet your future kids! Isabel and Noah Dox," he said. Their eyes widened in shock at the thought of having kids in the future and meeting them. But Nia was actually "happy" on the subject cause she always wanted to be a "Mom" and to have a family with Brainy just like a *dream come true* to her. As for Brainy, he was freaking out because of how impossible this sounds!

"Our kids? But that's impossible! I don't understand... I-I," Brainy said loudly still in shock while trying to process this new information. Isabel sighed looking at him and said. "No, time to explain! Dad," she said quickly thinking💭that they had other problems to worry about than this weird, confusing family reunion right now. And must stop their arch-nemesis who almost killed their parents if not for them saving the day before the worst happens! "Yeah, she's right. What matters is stopping her," Noah said softly agreeing with his sister and thought that was the right thing to do. Kara and John immediately sped⏩the guests out of the venue to safety fast out of harm's way from getting hurt including, Nia's sister and her father back to their hotel so that they could sort out this whole future attack on the wedding!

~{To be continued}~*Sorry, long chapter😅. I hope you enjoyed reading it. The next chapter is "Part 2" and it will be published very soon! Until then😉.*

Brainia~ Wedding💍Crashers💥from the Future✨Where stories live. Discover now