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*at The Skywalker night club*


She's sitting in her office looking at the CCTV footage from last night. A  client manhandled her worker and he denied it when she confronted him . Her employee had bruises for goodness sake and she wasn't going to take this lightly. She might be running a night club but  these are her workers.

“Hello my dearest aunt!”, A voice startles her followed by the door banging. She quickly pauses the footage.

“How many times have I told you to knock ,Zion Vinz Cassano!”

Damn this boy.

“Sorry.”, Zion says and makes himself comfortable on the office couch.

Madame Rue rolls her eyes, Zion acts like he has all the time in the world . Why is he here instead of running his businesses?

“ Aren't you supposed to be going through financial statements of one of your businesses? What are you doing here?”.

“ That's boring and I have people doing that for me already. I came here to check up on my favourite lola and to ask her why she'd make me hire a prostitute.”, Zion says

“She is not a prostitute,Zion”, madame Rue defends. “She needed the job , okay?”

“ She drives a fucking Lamborghini! My associates are gonna start snooping and they'll know that she's an ex-prostitute. What kind of receptionist drives a Lamborghini anyways? What will my associate say!” , Zion's voice gets louder.

“First of all ,you will not talk to me like that,I am your elder not your friend and secondly since when do you care about what people think?”, Yes Hinata was a sex worker but that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve to be treated with respect.

Zion brushes his temple and sighs. He does that when he's frustrated.

“ Fine , but tell your girl to tone it down a bit. People have already started talking.” , He says.

“ Let her be, people will always talk child.”



It's been a week since she has started working at C-Z. She thinks that the founders of the company were not so creative when they came up with the name. Cassano-Zungu, even saying it  in full doesn't sound right. So bland and boring.

She and Precious have become close. She wouldn't say she's her best friend but they do gossip about their colleagues and Precious let's her in on the company drama.She's her first friend since the whole Romeo and Cindy saga back home and she doesn't feel comfortable letting her in just yet.

“Girl!!! Guess who's gonna be Mr Zungu’s plus one tonight?” , Precious squeals leaning on her desk.

“ Girl ,no! Does that mean...?”,she squeals back.

“Shopping spree!”, Precious says doing the vosho dance.

Hinata laughs at her because who does that these days ?and in heels?

“Stop ! You're gonna get us verbal warnings wena!”

“Pshh, as if! Mr Zungu would fire me . I'm the best P.A in the world and you my darling?  Clients have been in and out the office since you've started working here . I'd bet on my last fifty bucks I got from my good for nothing ,lying-ass cheating boyfriend that you pretty thang, are the reason why business is blooming. I mean who wouldn't wanna see your pretty face when walking into this building.”

“Stop ,you're making me blush bitch.”, Hinata says smiling. It's not the first time having a person compliment her looks. She knows for a fact that Gog' Dintle‘s  genes don't play. The old lady still has men going gaga over her, even in her old age she still looks stunning.

“ so the shopping, I'm coming with right?.”, Hinata asks.

“Girl, the big boss didn't even make a fuss when I asked him if I can bring you with because you have style.” , Precious smiles at her new found bestie.

“ whuu! Love it kesana!” , Hinata fans her face with her hand and they laugh.

Their laughter gets them side eyes from their colleagues but that doesn't stop them from laughing like hyenas.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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