
She immediately pressed the button and the room was lit up by the purple light, Eddie gasped as he looked at the purple beam come out from the hilt, 


Mazikeen nodded, 

"Yeah! And it works on Cybertronian metal! So it can be used to harm the Decepticons, but all my weapons can so yeah,"

Eddie nodded slowly, 

"What else ya got?"

Mazikeen immediately put away the lightsaber to her side and brought out the next disk, 

"A shield,"

Eddie nodded, 

"Did you make another?"

Mazikeen nodded, 

"Yep, this is more snug to a singular person in case you are in close combat and want to take someone out with a bomb,"

Eddie nodded. She took out her twin guns, 

"Just regular guns, but they are higher powered and I used some big science words to make it go through dense metal and diamond,"

Eddie chuckled, 

"Nice big science words,"

Mazikeen winked at him, 

"Hey, gotta dumb it down,"

Eddie shook his head in amusement. Mazikeen showed him each weapon she created and then sat down on her bed. Eddie chuckled, 

"You sure did do a lot since I was gone,"

Mazikeen smiled softly at him and nodded, 


Eddie sat down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder, 

"What's up? I know when something is on your mind,"

Mazikeen sighed and looked at him, 

"Why are you back?"

Eddie looked at her and sighed. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she instinctively put her head on his shoulder, and he put his head on hers, 

"I started to feel like a piece of me was missing still...I became a firefighter, got a newer family...I was finally able to spend a lot of time with Christopher...but after two years, I still felt like something was missing. Then I received a letter from someone with the Pentagon...and I thought about the four years I served...and I thought back to my time with my squad and yours...I realized that a part of me did miss the army. I asked about visiting Christopher, and they said that I could during every holiday as long as it was okay with General Morshower. Now, here I am."

"Do you feel better?"

Eddie looked down at her and smiled, 

"I do,"

Mazikeen smiled softly at him, 


Mazikeen shot up, and Eddie yelped, 




They immediately started running. They raced to the cafeteria and finally made it. Mazikeen looked around and saw the trays and dragged Eddie over to it. They quickly got the food, 

"Diaz! Mynx!"

The two looked around and spotted Epps sitting alone, they quickly sat at the same table, in front of him and next to each other,

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