ゲイ~Ink on paper~ゲイ

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                                  ✨ ✨✨✨

                         ~Putin's POV~

Putin had finally finished his paperwork and was now accepting a gift from The Supreme Leader of North Korea. It was a basket full of persimmon and other fruit, with a little index card with asian typing on it, of course he didn't know what it meant but he was grateful none the less.

Kim had a busy schedule during Putin's leave, but he managed to wave him a goodbye from the doors of the government building, an unusual sadness in his slim eyes.

Putin comfortably sat on the cushioned seat of his private jet, snacking on the persimmons from the fruit basket. He checked his Adidas watch and sighed, pulling out his Samsung Galaxy S6 he reluctantly got to set alarms and reminders. He tapped on the screen a few times before setting it aside, he was never a big fan of phones and that sort of technology. He preferred to go horse riding out in the cold mountains of The Mother Land and take ice baths. Lately he didn't have the time for those things, the stress from the war he started so confidently making lines appear on his face, which he had to better his skincare to try to prevent or at least slow down his humiliating aging.

He ordered his usual from the jet bartender, taking the long blue can with the red bull print on it and starting to sip on it, thinking of how simple life was before he made the arrogant decision to try to take Ukraine back.

The energy drink kicked in pretty soon, making him pace up and down the middle of the jet as he thought of taking a hike around the cold mountain and hills of Russia.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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