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VALERIA STOOD BY THE stove. She held a spatula in hand, and in the pan, lay fluffy scrambled eggs.

Garfield yawned and stretched as he and Rachel walked over to her. "Valeria?" He asked.

She flinched. "You guys scared the shit out of me."

"There's irony here." He looked at her. "You're aware, it's, like, super early, right?"

"Yeah, I wanted to make breakfast." She replied.

"I'll make the coffee." He smiled and walked towards the coffee pot.

She smiled back. "Thanks."

"So..." He started. "Dick and Kory."

"I know. Don't say it."

His eyes widened. "You knew?"

"Please. Even the satellites in space know." She replied.

"Gross." He muttered under his breath and opened the container to the espresso.

"Do you think it's like thinking about your parents?"

"Wouldn't know." She shrugged.

"Good morning." They heard. Angela had awoken.

"Hi, Mom." Rachel smiled at her.

"Hi, baby." Angela greeted back with a smile.

"Valeria made breakfast." She gestured to the eggs on the pan.

"I can see that." Angela nodded.

"Are you hungry?"

"In a minute." She walked over to the window and looked outside. "Five years, you, uh, you couldn't forget how beautiful a sunrise can be. Come here."

Rachel walked over and sat next to her.

"May I put my arm around you?" Angela asked.

"I'd like that. Very much." Rachel replied.

Angela wrapped her arm around Rachel's shoulder.

Garfield looked at them and said, "I...I can just..."

"It's okay." Angela cut him off. "You care about my daughter, young man...A lot. I have eyes, you know. Do you want a hug?"

Garfield shook his head with a smile. "No, I'm good."

"Join us?" She patted the spot next to Rachel. She looked at Valeria and added, "You too, Valeria?"

They both ended up joining them in looking outside. Garfield sat for a second, then stood back up. "I'll stand." Valeria sat down next to Rachel with a smile.

"I CAN'T TELL YOU what passed for pancakes in that place, but...They definitely didn't resemble this." Angela said as she took a bite out of her pancake. She smiled and said, "My compliments to the chef." and turned to Valeria with a smile.

"Well, it was really mostly him." Valeria replied and pointed to Garfield.

"Look, Rachel—"

"I was wondering—"

Dick and Angela went to speak at the same time. Dick smiled at her and said, "Please."

"Rachel has been explaining your situation to me." Angela spoke. "I understand this place is on loan?"

"Unofficially. The owner didn't exactly give me permission to stay here, but..." Dick trailed off.

"I might have another option. I have a house. I'm Ohio. It's been in my..." She turned to Rachel and corrected herself. "Our family for decades. I was hoping that you...we...All of you are welcome there for as long as you want. I have more than enough room. It's the least I can do. Although I do wonder what happens to your home when you've been locked away for five years."

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