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ADELINE huddled closer to Newt as the Grievers started charging at them. She was trembling, memories of being chased by one of the hideous creatures surfacing. Adeline squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath before snapping her eyes open.

"Somehow I have to get through that!" Thomas nodded toward the rolling pack of Grievers between them and the Cliff. Minho and Newt exchanged a long glance.

"They're coming!" Teresa yelled. "We have to do something!"

"You lead." Newt finally said to Minho. "Make a bloody path for Tommy and the girl. Do it."

Minho nodded once, then he turned toward the Gladers. "We head straight for the Cliff! Fight through the middle, push the shuckin' things toward the walls. What matters most is getting Thomas and Teresa to the Griever Hole! Ready!" Minho yelled raising his barbwire — wrapped club into the air with one hand, a long silver knife in the other. He pointed the knife at the horde of Grievers. "Now!"

The Keeper ran forward without waiting for a response. Newt went after him right on his heels, and then the rest of the Gladers followed, weapons raised. Adeline held out her knife — her only weapon to defend herself with — and charged forward at the Grievers. Adeline swung the knife at the blubber of the closest Griever, digging it into the blubbery skin of the creature. Another Griever charged at her, it's mechanical instruments poised to attack. As she made one final slash at the blubbery skin of the Griever, it's mechanical arm reflexes and swung outwards. Adeline didn't react fast enough, and felt the stinger graze past her leg, before it pierced the side of hip. Adeline fought off the pain filled scream rising up her throat, not wanting to give away that she'd been stung and scare her friends. Instead, she used every ounce of determination she had to help the other Gladers clear a path for Thomas and Teresa.

Thomas, Teresa and Chuck ran through the opening, and a sudden weight fell off Adeline's shoulders as she saw them heading towards the Cliff. Adeline continued on, slashing at Grievers, somehow ending up aside Minho in the process. Then she saw Matt in the corner of her eye, fighting off two Grievers with a sphere. He was kicking away one Griever while swinging at the other, sweat beading his forehead in pure concentration, until one of the Grievers knocked away his weapon. It skidded along the concrete floor, knocking into the wall. Matt stepped back, defenceless, before the Griever pounced on him. As much as Adeline hated his guts right now, she forgot about her own Griever, dodging mechanical arms as she raced to his side, but the Griever didn't care about her. Matt lost his balance, the Griever's mechanicals arms trying to pierce his body. Matt froze, as if he was being controlled by fear inside of him, and the Griever's stinger pierced his chest, close to the same spot where he was last stung. Then, as if to prove just how deadly of a creature it was, the Griever used one of its other instruments, piercing his body once more.

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