Untold Invites // Chapter 7

Start from the beginning

"Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground, and while you're searching ponder this: we've taken what you'll sorely miss, an hour-long you'll have to look and recover what we took, but past an hour- the prospect's black too late, it's gone, it won't come back."

"What the hell does that mean?" Magnolia said, breathing heavily after being under the water for almost a minute.

"It must be about a body of water if we had to open it under the water. But the rest I'm not so sure about. Myrtle, what is the lake called that surrounds Hogwarts?" Nicole asks.

"The Black Lake of course. I hang out with the Mer-People down there all the time."

"Of course! Mer-People! Myrtle, you're brilliant! But what could that possibly take?" Nicole wondered out loud.

"Thank you, Myrtle! You've saved our asses once again. However, judging from the look on Niki's face, we should probably go so she can figure out the riddle." Magnolia groaned getting out of the nice bath.

"I've already got an idea Mags. Bye, Myrtle! Thank you again!" Nicole shouted, rushing her friend out of the bathroom.

**Defense Against The Dark Arts**

"I'm glad to see you and Miss Watt have decided to join us for classes today Miss Le- Reynolds." Professor Moody says turning away from the girls and walking towards the front of the dark classroom.

"Today we are learning about Boggarts so everyone form a line. NOW!" Moody continued.

"But Professor, we learned about that last year with Mr. Lupin." A student in the back of the class spoke up.

"I don't care what you did last year! Boggarts are my favorite subject and besides, you probably were not taught about them correctly! Five points from Hufflepuff for speaking out of turn!"

The entire class took to Moody's instructions clearly as he explained what a Boggart was and how to get rid of it.

"We will start first with our new students because apparently the Hogwarts students already know everything about Boggarts! Miss Watt, you're first." Moody ordered while pulling Magnolia up to the front of the line.

"Once you have your Boggart in front of you, use the spell Riddikulus, it'll turn your worst fear into something funny," Moody informed the class while turning the latch on what seemed to be a closet in front of the class. "Wand at the ready.."

Magnolia stepped forward, not knowing what was about to come out of the closet. When the door opened two shadowy figures emerged. The shadows resembled a man and a woman, but the two figures were horrifically melded together. The creatures seemed to be stumbling towards Magnolia, trying to grab her. Before they got any closer she shouted, "Riddikulus!" The figures almost at once turned into two inflatable waving balloon people that rocked back and forth. The whole class erupted with laughter as Nicole walked to face her Boggart next.

As Nicole took a few steps forward, she could see her Boggart quite clearly. It was a mirror. Inside the mirror was Nicole herself, all her scars were uncovered and on display for all to see. She looked closer and saw in her reflection a woman's spindly hand resting on her shoulder. "Riddikulus!" Nicole shouted. The mirror that once stood before her swiftly took the shape of a funhouse mirror that contorted her body in ways that made the whole class laugh. She even thought she saw a smirk from Draco who was standing in the corner of the room.

The rest of the class continued with many laughs from the other student's Boggarts. Spiders turning into harmless blueberries. Snakes turning into a bowl of pasta. All was going well when Moody dismissed them, the two girls headed for their next class.

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