In a country where players face hate from their own people, where a single misstep, not even a true mistake, held the power to destroy their entire career, was there really any room for love and support?

While such thoughts did cross Ishan's mind before, but seeing them unfold in reality was nothing short of frightening.

Their careers had just begun, and if word were to get out, they would soon be headed towards their doom.

He gazed at the peacefully sleeping Shubman, his hand tenderly caressing Shubman's cheek. A sad smile graced Ishan's lips.

Communication is key. Ishan realized the need for a serious talk with Shubman, which was neither of their forté, especially when it came to discussing serious matters. The aftermath of their intimate reunion added an extra layer of discomfort.

How on earth were they expected to navigate a serious conversation about their relationship with this fog of awkwardness clouding them? Perhaps, they'd manage once this fog lifted. Maybe... Eh, we'll see 'bout that.

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Later that same afertoon, Shubman awoke to an empty side of the bed. Ishan was absent, but his scent lingered, and the warmth still clung to the sheets.

Sitting up, he found his mind flooded with memories of the previous night. A surge of self-loathing gripped him.

He despised it, every action, every sensation. He despised how soft Ishan's lips against his own, how his skin felt beneath his touch. He despised how the boy's moans ignited unfamiliar emotions. He loathed how good it all felt. But most of all, he loathed the fact that he didn't regret it, and found himself with the urge to do it all again.


He loved it, every action, every sensation. He loved how soft Ishan's lips against his own, how his skin felt beneath his touch. He loved how the boy's moans ignited unfamiliar emotions. He loved how good it all felt. But most of all, he loved the fact that he didn't regret it, and found himself with the urge to do it all again.

The door knob clicked, and Shubman anticipated Ishan's entry, but to his surprise, it was Surya.

Surya's scrutinizing gaze traveled from Shubman's head to toe, as if dissecting something intangible, before he nodded as if reaching a conclusion.

Surya's announcement caught Shubman off guard. "Ishan... He switched rooms with me for a day. So I'm your new roommate for today."

Shubman was past the point of being surprised or shocked. He opened his phone to find a text from Ishan.

"Take your time. We'll have a talk tomorrow and I'm sure we'll figure this out together."

He silently appreciated Ishan's decision, realizing that facing him now might lead to regrettable outbursts. He needed time to grapple with the perplexing and beautiful chaos that was his heart's obsession.

Observing Shubman's struggle to articulate his thoughts, Surya took a seat beside him. "Is there something you want to talk about?"

Seeing the confused look on the younger one, Surya added, "Maybe about cricket, or your morning, or perhaps... your love life?" He made sure to add a pointed emphasis on "love life."

Shubman's mouth hung open as he stammered, "How...?"

Surya sighed before responding, "Well, anyone with a decent pair of eyes can see that something's up between the two of you. Not to mention, the fact that you stare at him like I do at my wife, like Virat Bhai at Anushka Bhabi, like Rohit bhai at Ritika Bhabi. Want me to list some more?"

Gulping, Shubman muttered, "Who else knows?" Surya pondered before answering, "Eh... Besides me... I think Rahul and Shreyas know, Virat bhai probably does too. Bumrah suspects something, and the rest probably think that y'all are just having a normal best friends banter and nothing more."

Shubman was left speechless. Apparently, so many people were already in the loop. Was he the only one oblivious to this not-so-subtle secret?

No... he wasn't as oblivious to this whole situation as he had led on.

After a prolonged silence, Surya cautiously broached the subject, "Also, this might not be the best time to show you this but..."

"I don't think anything can surprise me anymore," Shubman said, pushing his hair back in resignation.

Surya, engrossed in his phone, searched for something and eventually held up the phone for Shubman to see. The screen displayed an article featuring Ishan and Aditya's picture.

He took the phone from Surya and began to read the article, his eyes widening with each passing line.

It detailed the viral video of Ishan and Aditya, suggesting a possible inappropriate relationship between the two for sponsorship benefits.

It took every ounce of Shubman's self-control not to smash the phone right then. Although the article had been taken down, screenshots were being circulated on various social media platforms.

Surya deftly retrieved his phone, not wishing to end up with a broken phone. He swiftly retreated back to unpack his things as he'd rather have a conversation with a calm Shubman than an enraged one.

Shubman's phone buzzed with a text from Ishan. Distracted by the article, he had only glanced at the message. However, as the content sank in, he reopened the message.

"Let's just end this. Let's give up."

End it? Give up? What did Ishan mean by that? Shubman couldn't fathom giving up, not when their journey had barely begun. He couldn't possible give up, not after harboring his own little secret crush on Ishan for as far back as he can remember...

Oh, how the turns have tabled.

Alright, I should've updated about a week ago but I committed a rookie mistake. I had these brilliant ideas floating in my mind during my exam period or so I thought, but guess what? I forgot to note them down. Now, my mind is blank and I'm stuck in this loop of writing, deleting, rewriting and repeat.

Not exactly thrilled with this chapter, but hey, it's here. Here's to hoping the next one's a bit less chaotic.

I'm also working on 2 new IshMan books since this one's nearing its end so, it's even more of a mess in here. Until next time fellas!


"Love is not finding someone to live with; it's finding. someone you can't live without."

- Rafael Ortiz


Date Published: 11.03.2024

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