3; stop looking at me with those eyes

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(For context, the events in this chapter takes place two weeks after the events of the previous chapters)

As Shubman entered the venue, cameras flashed, and reporters swarmed around him like bees.

The luxurious event for cricketers was aglow with chandeliers casting a soft light that bathed the room. The polished marble floor reflected the scene like a mirror.

Amidst the media frenzy, the men in dazzling tailored suits, the women in colourful sarees and gowns, the familiar and unfamiliar faces, Shubman's eyes searched for one person- his best friend.

Spotting Ishan at the bar counter, Shubman's face lit up with a smile. However, Ishan, engrossed in conversation with the bartender, didn't seem to notice Shubman's arrival.

Shubman was about to excuse himself from the reporters to join Ishan, but something held him back. He observed how the latter was enjoying his time with the bartender, being a little too touchy-feely.

An odd feeling gnawed at Shubman's gut, prompting him to engage with the media instead of approaching Ishan, whom he believed didn't need his company.

When Ishan eventually noticed Shubman's arrival and turned towards him, he found Shubman avoiding eye contact. Ishan, now confused, approached Shubman, wondering why he was being ignored.

While Shubman answered questions from the reporters, a stab to the heart came in the form of a familiar question, "Are you dating Sara madam?"

It was a question he often encountered, but it felt different after their recent breakup.

Ishan, who was making his way toward Shubman, paused upon hearing the question.

Shubman's silence and blank expression spoke volumes, providing the media with enough material for them to cook up fifty different stories and rumours.

Just as the tension reached its peak, the fans outside roared upon the arrival of Sachin Tendulkar with his family.

The media swiftly redirected their attention to the cricket legend, leaving Shubman momentarily forgotten in the background.

As Sachin sir entered the venue, he exchanged greetings with some fellow cricketers before making his way towards Shubman, who was still standing at the entrance.

Sara Tendulkar, his daughter, followed closely behind. Observing the situation, Ishan quickly approached Shubman and stood by his side.

Sachin sir exchanged pleasantries with the both of them, followed by Sara who did the same.

Unlike her, Shubman was a poor actor when it came to masking emotions. His feelings were an open book and his internal turmoil was evident in the empty gaze and a forced smile as he stared at her.

Sensing his friend's struggle, Ishan grasped Shubman's hand, offering a silent reassurance.

To divert Shubman from the awkward situation, Ishan lied, "Ah, Shubi, Rohit bhai was looking for you. I think you should go see him."

Addressing Sachin sir, he added, "Enjoy your time, sir," before subtly pulling Shubman away.

As they moved through the crowd, Ishan glanced back at Sara, silently mouthing the word "Sorry" before disappearing with Shubman.

Not too far from them, Rohit, puzzled over Ishan's statement, questioned himself, "Was I looking for Shubman? When?"

In the peace of an empty balcony on the first floor, with a peaceful view, Shubman finally took a breath of relief.

He opened his mouth, saying a sincere, "Thanks," to Ishan for rescuing him from the awkward situation.

The past two weekz had been a struggle for Shubman as he tried to recover from the breakup. With Ishan's support, he had made progress, but encountering Sara again had taken a toll on him.

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