2; tea for two

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The morning light crept into Ishan's room, painting a soft glow on the walls. As he slowly opened his eyes, fighting off sleepiness, he realized the bed beneath him felt unusually soft.

The soft bed underneath puzzled him; he vividly remembered sleeping on the sofa while Shubman occupied the bed.

They typically shared the bed, but after the events of the previous night, Ishan wanted some emotional and physical distance. So how is it that he woke up in the bed?

Rubbing his eyes for a clearer view, his hand instinctively searched the bed for Shubman. As he had expected, the bed was empty. He had already left.

Sitting up, Ishan debated whether to fully wake up or steal a few more minutes of sleep.

However, his thoughts were interrupted when he noticed Shubman sitting on the sofa, staring at him. It took a moment for Ishan to register that Shubman hadn't left; he was still there.

Still a bit groggy, Ishan attempted to lighten the mood, "Staring at a person sleeping, is that a kink of yours?"

A chuckle escaped Shubman, breaking the silence. After a moment, he spoke, "I'm sorry." He paused, trying to find the right words before continuing, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have canceled our weekend plans for Sara. It was supposed to be our weekend. Just you and me. I should've apologized to you earlier."

He sighed, "I'm such an idiot."

"That I agree," Ishan responded bluntly. He continued, "Today's Sunday, so the weekend isn't over yet. You still have a chance to make it up to me." With a mischievous smile, he added, "Up for a gaming session?"

A wide smile spread across Shubman's face as he joined Ishan on the bed, wrapping him in a warm, tight hug- something both had missed and longed for.

Close to Shubman now, Ishan couldn't help but notice the bruise on his face, his thoughts drifted back to the previous night. Concerned, he asked, "What happened yesterday?"

Shubman fell silent at the question, and Ishan, sensing his discomfort, decided to let it be. As he moved to get up, Shubman grabbed his wrist, confessing, "We broke up."

It was the second time this month. Ishan gently lifted Shubman's chin to get a better look at his bruise. "So did she Karate chop you or what?" he teased. "I wouldn't be surprised. You probably deserved it."

Shubman loved this about Ishan- the ability to make him laugh even in tough times. And oh the lengths Ishan would go to just to make this boy smile.

"I got into a drunk fight with some people on my way," Shubman explained.

Now, genuinely worried, Ishan pulled up Shubman's sleeves and liftted his shirt, to check for any other injuries.

Shubman, taken by surpise, exclaimed, "Woah woah, baby, calm down. It's seven in the morning."

Ishan playfully punched Shubman in the gut, earning an "Ow" in response. Grinning, Ishan said, "You don't seem to have any other injuries. Go make me a cup of tea."

It was moments like these that made their bond unbreakable, a blend of care, humor, and an unspoken understanding.

As Shubman busied himself preparing tea for two, the clinking of cups and the soft hum of the kettle filled the air. Ishan couldn't help but wonder how he could ever live without this boy in his life.

The scenes of the previous night replayed in his mind- the closeness, the vulnerability, the warmth and the tension that hung in the air. A lump seemed to form in Ishan's throat as he contemplated about the significance of those moments.

Clearing his throat, Ishan finally called out, "Hey Shub." Shubman, engrossed in tea making, responded with a "Hm?"

Ishan hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words, before hesitantly asking, "About yesterday... do you remember what happened the other night after you crashed at my place?"

A thin smile graced Shubman's lips as he poured boiling water into the cups. "Yeah, I do."

His smile morphed into a smirk as he continued, "We were inches away from kissing. I can vividly recall you leaned in instead of stepping back. Your ears were burning, and your cheeks turned this adorable shade of pink as I caressed your cheek. At that moment, I could hear your heart racing against my chest."

Ishan's cheeks burned at the realization that Shubman, despite being drunk, remembered the scenes with such clarity.

He wasn't sure if he should be flattered or worried about how observant Shubman was, noting Ishan's reactions and listing every detail as if it was everyday between two friends.

While they had teased each other about kissing or sleeping together before, those jokes didn't have such an impact on Ishan's heart like it did now.

Shubman continued, oblivious to Ishan's internal turmoil, "You were probably too shocked and confused to react. Anyone would be if their best friend tried to kiss them."

Ishan, for the first time, felt grateful for Shubman's obliviousness.

As Shubman completed preparing the tea and turned around, he was startled to find Ishan standing right behind him. Stepping back, his back hit the counter, and Ishan moved closer until their bodies brushed against each other.

Tiptoeing to reach Shubman's height, Ishan whispered seductively in his ear, "What if I leaned in because I wanted to kiss you?"

Shubman couldn't deny the flutter of butterflies at that moment. Unlike the previous night, when he was drunk and the memories of how he felt were hazy, the sober experience of being so close to Ishan had a different impact.

He let out a shaky breath, a bit flustered by their closeness.

A mischievous smirk adorned Ishan's lips as he snaked his hand around Shubman's waist, seizing the opportunity to snatch his phone from his back pocket.

He quickly darted away, declaring, "I'm ordering takeout, and you're paying."

Realizing it was all an act to grab his phone, Shubman chased after Ishan, attempting to retrieve it.

Ishan, aware of Shubman's height advantage, hopped onto the bedside table, raising the phone high so Shubman couldn't reach it.

In pursuit, Shubman pulled Ishan's leg, causing him to lose balance. As they teetered, Shubman managed to save them both from falling by steadying Ishan on the ground.

Caught in Shubman's hold, Ishan momentarily lost himself in the latter's eyes. Shubman seized the opportunity to retrieve his phone.

With a smirk, he remarked, "You got me with your flirting skills. You can rizz anyone up with that level of expertise."

Ishan bit the inside of his mouth to suppress the butterflies that would turn him into a blushing mess.

Little did Shubman know that it wasn't just acting. The desire to kiss him the previous night had been genuine.

And here ends the second chapter of 'Beyond the Boundary'. Thanks for showing so much love to the first chapter. Let's meet again in the third chapter!

And and and, no one drank the tea lmao


"I saw that you were perfect and I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more."

- Angelita Lim


Publish Date: 09.12.2023

Beyond The Boundary (Shubman Gill x Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now