13; denial

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As the T20 series against Australia loomed, the tension between Ishan and Shubman reached its peak. Unfortunately, Shubman seemed to have enrolled in the "Avoid Ishan at All Costs" crash course.

In the last three days, the guy had become a master of vanishing — sneaking out before Ishan awoke, returning past midnight, occasionally crashing at friends' places or other teammates' rooms.

Even their practice sessions were no longer in sync, as he changed his schedule to avoid any overlap with Ishan's sessions, ensuring minimal interaction with Ishan.

The final day before the team's departure was a ticking time bomb, and Shubman's avoidance maneuvers were reaching their zenith.

With just ten hours left before the flight, Ishan knew it was his last shot a fixing things. If he failed to do so, he had to wait another two-three weeks or so to see him again.

The initial six hours slipped by without Shubman making an appearance. The seventh hour, however, was the golden opportunity Ishan had been waiting for. He knew Shubman's sneaky return to the room during his practice session for a shower.

This time, Ishan had a plan— he ditched his practice session. It was an unusual move for him, knowing his commitment to training. Yet, love, as they say, makes you do crazy things.

He hustled back to their room, arriving just moments after Shubman had disappeared into the bathroom. He initially thought of waiting for him in the bathroom but then he quickly dismissed the idea as too creepy. The goal was the clear the awkwardness, not to intensify it.

Seated on the bed, he pondered the best way to initiate the conversation. It wasn't like he was about to confess his feelings or something; it was merely a straightforward chat, nothing fancy. So why, pray tell, did his hands betray him, trembling like crazy.

Perhaps a side effect of the lack of their usual clinginess that made people question if they're best friends or something more. Or perhaps because of the distance that took form between the two in the past few days.

Twenty minutes later, as Shubman emerged from the bathroom, draped in nothing but a towel, Ishan's mere presence startled him. Before Ishan could make a move, he hastily shut the bathroom door, barricading himself.

"Shub, open the goddamn door," Ishan demanded, a mix of frustration and urgency seeping through his voice as he banged on the bathroom door. He had planned a heart-to-heart conversation, not a door-to-door battle.

"Why are you here?" Shubman's voice echoed from the other side of the door.

Ishan rolled his eyes at Shubman's question. "Why am I here? Maybe because we're roommates and roommates generally share the same living space?" he retorted, still banging on the door.

Shubman, clearly not in the mood for sarcasm, responded, "Yeah, but you're supposed to be at practice."

"I just want to talk. Can we please have a decent conversation without the door acting as a barrier?" Ishan requested, growing more impatient with every passing minute.

Shubman, playing the modesty card, pointed out, "Well, you don't expect me to come out wrapped in nothing but a towel now, do you?"

Ishan, growing annoyed, quipped, "We've literally seen each other naked before. Just open the damn door or I'll... I'll... I... " He paused, failing to find a fitting threat and settled for a simple, "Just open the door Shubi!"

Shubman giving in, slightly creaked the door open, expressing his frustration, "This is ridiculous, Ishan. I don't have time for this."

"Ridiculous?" Ishan scoffed in disbelief as he shot back, "And what would you call the act of you avoiding me?"

Beyond The Boundary (Shubman Gill x Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now