A few minutes later your standing outside the maze doors with Minho Ben newt and Thomas, newt is just there to wish you luck and see you off into the maze but Thomas and Ben were running the maze as well, just as newts walking off to go see alby the maze doors rumble open.

Ben and Thomas take off strait away to your delight, then Minho takes off shortly after and you follow.

Every few minutes Minho turns back to look at you to make sure your okay since your a few paces behind him since he had given you a note book and a pencil and told you to take some notes while you ran, it was hard to write and take notes at the same time but it got easier as time went by.

A few minutes later you stoped for lunch at a dead end bit you didn't have any food after rushing out of the homestead but you just sat next to Minho and rest your head on his shoulder. "Why you not eating y/n" he asked. "Oh I didn't bring any food" you reply.

"Here" he says while breaking his sandwich in half and handing you one of the pieces, "thanks" you say blushing and taking the sandwich off him.

After you have finished he suggest you get going so you can make it back to the glade in time and not be left out here after dark.

Minho suddenly stoped and you ran strait into his back and then fell back onto the cold hard maze floor.

You got to your feet and brushed off some of the dust that had settled on your top then you looked up at Minho he was just staring into the distance with a confused look on his face.

You looked at the maze walls ahead then at Minho to see where he was looking the you looked back at the maze and seen a small trail of blood.

You looked back at Minho with fear in your eyes and he had the same fear in his, "w..what do we..do" you ask you voice a bit shaken, "follow it we have no choice it looks like it could lead back to glade" he says "oh.. okay" you say trying to not think what or who's blood it could be.

Minho was right the blood trail lead all the way back to the glade, the second you turned the last corner you could see the group of boys standing looking at something on the floor.

As you got closer you could make out the small body laying on the ground. "ITS NEWT" Thomas shouted looking at you.

You rushed over and seen newt laying on the floor in tears with his ankle twisted in ways and ankle should not, he has blood coming from a gash in the side of his head and a few cuts around his ankle.

You quickly got over the shock of this and went into full med-jack mode you told Minho to carry him to the med-jack hut, you ran ahead and started to get things out.

Pain killers, bandages, tissues, disinfectant, and anaesthetic. Minho arrived shortly after with Clint and Jeff behind him they tried to take over but you ignored that as you looked at newt you didn't know how but you knew exactly what to do.

First you gave him the anaesthetic and he passed out then you reach for the tissue with some disinfectant on it and dab it over it leg and then lightly dab his head being careful not to make it work then you ask Jeff to hold a clean tissue on his head and ask Clint to help you fix his ankle you hold newts leg still the on the count of three Clint pops it back into place.

Newt ankle looks very swollen so Clint wraps it in a bandage very tightly as you see to his head you push Jeff out of the way as you sit next to newt holding the tissue to his head since the bleeding as still not stoped.

All of a sudden you properly snap back to reality and hear the sound of someone throwing up you turn round to see Clint helping Jeff up off the floor and Minho standing in the corner of the room throwing
up into a bucket you wrap a bandage round newts head and then you run out of the room.

You don't even know where you're running to but you end up sitting under a tree crying.

You're just sitting there calming your self down when Chuck comes over, "hey, y/n are you okay" he asks "yeah chuckie I'll be okay" you say your voice a bit hoarse from crying.

"Y/n you know you can tell me anything it's okay" he says sitting next to you and snuggling into you "I know Chuck I know" you say cuddling him and burying your head in his soft curly hair, you hear a twig snap and you look up to see Jeff standing there.

"Hey... um newts up I thought you would want to know" Jeff says "really thanks" you say getting up and staying to run over to the med-jacks hut, you quickly stop and look back at Jeff "oh and sorry for pushing you I wasn't really thinking" you say "it's okay you were worried about a friend, now go see him" he says while chuckling.

You rush over to the med-jacks hut and open the door to see newt laying there on one of the beds, "newt!" you say.

He turns round to look at you and sits up then he breaks out in tears you walk over and sit newt to him on the bed and he hugs you tightly getting your shirt all wet from his tears.

"Newt what happened" you asked when he finally stoped crying "y/n I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he said with a tear running down his cheek, "hey you have nothing to be sorry for just tell me what happened" you say hugging him lightly.

"I tried to jump" he says "oh newt why would you do that" you ask. "I wasn't happy"he says
"You could have talked to someone though you didn't have to try and kill yourself" you say starting to tear up as well.

"I know I'm sorry I just didn't know what to do and then I ran and then I was starting to climb the wall and then my hands slipped when I realised what happend I'm so sorry y/n" he says while sobbing.

"Okay just don't do that again, I can't live without you Newt, I need you" you say crying silently "I need you" you say again while resting your head on is shoulder.

He lays down and you snuggle into him and you fall asleep and have a dreamless sleep in the comfort of his arms.

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