Minor complication

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The Duchess extended her hand in gratitude. "Thank you, Lord (S/N). Your support is invaluable. Together, we shall cleanse Mandalore of the shadows that have plagued it for too long."

You took her hand, sealing the deal with a firm shake. "It is my honor, Duchess. We stand united in the face of adversity."

As the conversation flowed seamlessly, the Duchess shifted the topic, her expression becoming more serious. "I must also inform you, Lord (S/N), that I have reached out to the Galactic Republic for assistance in another matter."

Curiosity piqued, you raised an eyebrow. "What matter is that, Duchess?"

Satine hesitated before revealing, "Mandalore is facing an epidemic of drugs smuggled into our cities. It has become a grave concern, and I did not want to burden Nathema with this issue. Hence, I sought the Republic's help in handling the situation."

You nodded understandingly. "Duchess, I appreciate your concern for Nathema, but there is no need to involve the Republic. Nathema can handle any internal matters. Your focus should be on Mandalore's well-being."

Satine looked grateful but determined. "I understand, Lord (S/N), but the Republic's support has already been requested. Two ambassadors are on their way to Mandalore as we speak."

"I appreciate your vigilance in safeguarding Mandalore, Duchess. However, I assure you, the Republic's involvement will not be necessary," you declared with a calm demeanour, masking any internal concern.

Duchess Satine's expression remained composed, but there was a subtle hint of concern in her eyes. "Lord (S/N), the situation is delicate, and the Republic's assistance might expedite the resolution of this matter."

Before you could respond, the grand doors of the throne room opened, revealing the silhouettes of two Jedi Padawans standing at the entrance. Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee entered with purpose, their Jedi robes flowing gracefully as they approached the throne.

Duchess Satine acknowledged their presence. "Ah, Jedi Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee. I appreciate your swift response to my request for assistance."

Ahsoka and Barriss bowed respectfully. "Duchess Satine, we are honored to be of service," Ahsoka replied.

Duchess Satine gestured towards you. "May I introduce Lord (S/N) of Nathema, a trusted ally of Mandalore."

You inclined your head in a gesture of acknowledgment. "Jedi, a pleasure to meet you formally. Your timely arrival is much appreciated."

Ahsoka nodded, a hint of curiosity in her expression. "Likewise, Lord (S/N). We are here to assist in any way we can."

Duchess Satine continued with the introductions. "Lord (S/N), this is Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Padawan Barriss Offee, two formidable Jedi who have graciously offered their help in resolving Mandalore's current challenges."

Duchess Satine then outlined their respective tasks. "Padawan Tano, I would like you to go into the local academies and teach the coming generation of Mandalore's officers about corruption, ethics, and the importance of upholding justice. Your wisdom can shape the minds of our future leaders."

Ahsoka nodded in agreement. "I'll do my best to impart the values of the Jedi Order, Duchess. Mandalore's youth deserves guidance in these troubled times."

Satine turned her attention to Padawan Offee. "Padawan Barriss Offee, I need your assistance in the current investigations regarding the drug epidemic that plagues our cities. Your skills as a Jedi can help uncover the source of this threat."

Barriss replied with a respectful bow. "I will do everything in my power to assist, Duchess. Mandalore's safety is of utmost importance."

As the Duchess finalized the tasks, you saw an opportunity to further integrate yourself into Mandalore's affairs. "Duchess Satine, if I may offer my support to Padawan Offee in her investigations. My resources and knowledge could prove beneficial in uncovering the truth swiftly."

Satine regarded you with appreciation. "Lord (S/N), your willingness to assist is truly commendable. Padawan Offee, I believe collaboration with Lord (S/N) could expedite the resolution of this matter."

Barriss nodded, recognizing the potential advantage. "I appreciate any help we can get, Duchess. I will work closely with Lord (S/N) to ensure Mandalore's safety."

You masked your true intentions with a gracious smile. "It would be an honor to collaborate with Padawan Offee. Together, we shall bring clarity to this situation."

The Duchess agreed to the collaboration, satisfied with the growing unity between Mandalore and Nathema. As Ahsoka and Barriss prepared to leave the throne room to carry out their assigned tasks, you seized the opportunity to discreetly signal Barriss to join you privately.

"Padawan Offee, may I have a moment of your time?" you requested with a courteous tone.

Barriss nodded respectfully. "Of course, Lord (S/N). I am at your disposal."

The grand doors closed behind the departing Jedi, leaving you and Barriss alone in the spacious throne room. You motioned for her to follow you to a more secluded area, away from prying eyes and ears.

As you entered a private chamber, the door closed behind you with a soft hiss, leaving the two of you in a space where your conversation could unfold without interruption. The air in the room was charged with an undercurrent of tension as Barriss awaited your next move.

The moment the door sealed shut, Barriss gracefully fell to her knees before you, her head bowed in submission. "Master (S/N)," she greeted you formally.

You regarded her with a stern expression, a mixture of anger and disappointment evident in your eyes. "Padawan Offee, you neglected to inform me of the Republic's impending arrival on Mandalore. Do you take your master so lightly that you would keep such crucial information hidden from me?"

Barriss spoke with a submissive tone, acknowledging her lapse. "I beg your forgiveness, Master (S/N). I only received word of the Republic's involvement shortly before our arrival on Mandalore. The urgency of the situation left little time for communication."

Your eyes narrowed as you processed her explanation. "Neglecting to inform me jeopardizes our plans. Mandalore's alliance with the Republic could complicate matters for Nathema. You must understand the consequences of such oversights, Padawan Offee."

Barriss remained on her knees, her gaze fixated on the floor. "I deeply apologize, Master (S/N). It was not my intention to undermine our goals. I am at your mercy."

The tension in the room lingered as you contemplated Barriss's sincerity. After a moment of silence, you decided to address the situation. "Rise, Padawan Offee," you commanded, your tone softened. "We have matters to attend to, and time is of the essence."

Barriss stood up, maintaining a respectful posture. "How may I serve you, Master?"

You paced around the room, your mind calculating the best course of action. "The Republic's involvement adds a layer of complexity to our plans. We must navigate this carefully. You will continue your role as a spy within the Jedi Order, but now, more than ever, I need accurate and timely information about their activities on Mandalore."

Barriss nodded, her commitment unwavering. "I understand, Master (S/N). I will gather the necessary intelligence and report to you promptly."

Your gaze fixed on Barriss, a glint of determination in your eyes. "We cannot afford any more oversights, Padawan Offee. Mandalore's fate is at stake, and Nathema's influence must remain unchallenged. Ensure the Republic remains oblivious to our true intentions."

Barriss lowered her head in acknowledgment. "I swear to you, Master (S/N). I will not fail you again." 

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