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At Kuruvanshi residence

The atmosphere inside the house was silent one not like other cheerful days seems like everyone was still affected with yesterday's incident
Janki Digvijay Kuruvanshi just stood at the starting of stairs watching the mansion with a heavy heart ofcours she never expected her daughter to behave like this vishakha insecurities made her commit this sin which she can't repentance ever
She just wanted her family to be normal happy like it used to be before but nope some tragedies are not letting it to be
Digvijay Kuruvanshi who watched his wife just went and held her hand comfort the lady who just sighed defeatedly not even daring to look at her husband
"Happy 55th anniversary dear" he wished her making the lady widen her eyes in disbelief like seriously today was one of the important day of her life and she dared to forget about this maybe it was not intentionally but still and immediately looked at her husband who just smiled at her

"I know in all this mess you've forgotten it but I can never cuz this was the day I got a precious gem in my life which I'm cherishing since then" he said giving her a warm smile to which she just hugged him tightly

"I'm sorry" she mumbled making him chuckle lightly at her reaction

"Let's see if our family remember this" he joked making her roll her eyeballs at the man

With Adhitya × Bhavika

Bhavika woke up feeling the rays of sun hitting her face as she tried to get up from her place only to feel a tight grip across her tiny waist making her frown she narrowed her eyes only to find her handsome husband sleeping holding her protectively making her blush ofcours his charming appearance was driving her crazy somehow but she just scolded herself in mind and immediately got up from his grip to freshen up but to her bad his sleep got disturbed cuz of her sudden movement making her shiver ofcours she had never imagined herself to be this much close to anyone nevertheless he's her husband afterall as her eyes met his dark obs she was like lost in them
But this wasn't one sided it was mutual between the couple

As he woke up feeling someone wiggling in his grip disturbing him he just opened his eyes groaning but calmed seeing his wife for a second both were lost into each other but the starring session got disturbed by a ring of his phone

He cursed the person before picking up the call taking an opportunity she just ran towards the washroom instantly making his smrik internally seeing his effect on her


Nitin: Good Morning sir sorry to bother u early morning

Adhitya: that's fine nitin but what's the reason of this call

Nitin: actually we've got information about Niharika's whereabouts

Adhitya: what is it

Nitin: I'll come to mansion with file I just can't explain that on phone

Adhitya: hmm

As the call was cut he witnessed his wife coming out of washroom fully dressed her look was simple as usual
Sea green saree with decent looking blouse but he could sense that she was uncomfortable in her outfit she she was continuously fixing her blouse which was then and now hanging on her shoulder giving him the view of her beauty
But when the realisation hit him hard he cursed himself in mind ofcours those clothes were for Niharika and both the girls have major difference of height also Bhavika is thinner so ofcours it would be unsuitable for her
He saw her moving towards the dressing table according to him maybe for makeup
But she just pick up the nuptial chain and wore it alongside vermillion applied on her forehead partition like telling everyone that she's married
And left the room not before giving him a side glance as if telling his to get ready too

Rolling his eyes he just went to get freshen up

As Bhavika entered the kitchen only to see Keshavi there talking happily with Pritha and Sumitra giggling making her smile seeing their bond ofcours she also wanted this type of bond but it was only dream of her which is impossible to get fulfilled
Smiling to herself she just left the scenario with a sad smile plastered on her lips ofcours no one noticed her presence well to be honest she was used to this treatment so it isn't going to affect her in anyway now
The smile plastered on her lips is the best thing she could do which hide her inner feelings very beautifully
Just let people's see your constant smile for them thinking that you're happy with whatever you have isn't it obvious

As she moved towards the temple inside the home to find some solace alone there only to be greeted by Vishakha there who stood their expressionlessly looking at the Krishna Idol with a painful expression the pain in her heart can be see through within her eyes
Bhavika was for sure that she's not what she show herself to the outer world this women is very good at hiding her feelings skillfully but anyhow why she's thinking about her ofcours she means nothing to her neither she wants to feel her presence around thinking this she decided to move away but only to hear

"Wait there girl" she was perplexed is that true Vishakha is talking to her

Confusingly she moved towards her direction somehow scared cause of their last encounter she was for sure this woman isn't very fond of her
She stood infront of her Vishakha outterlook was somehow very elegant ofcours she belongs from one of the most royal families of India The Kuruvanshi isn't it obvious that she have to maintain a look that with match her prestige
With dark eyeliner on her Hazel eyes she adorned herself with diamond studded earrings with a small pendant around her neck nude lipstick complementing her beauty and shiffon saree she was truly looking lovely also in her early forties

Bhavika give her a small smile which was for sure a genuine one and shockingly getting one back too leaving her sigh in relief

"I know my behaviour with you in past days was not very good and to be honest I never liked you but still I've no right to raise my hand upon someone ofcours you aren't at fault alone so I want to apologise for my indecent behaviour regarding you I can assure I'll never hurt you physically or mentally in future like I used to do before but make sure for that you'll take care of my son I know this marriage is a compromise for you too but no one here is ready to feel that cuz of their own ego at the end I would only like to say that for sure it will take time but you'll create a special place in their heart very soon" she smiled at the girl before moving towards her room leaving the girl surprised ofcours after Keshavi she's the first one to talk to her like this which made her happy

Maybe this marriage is 100 times better than the life I used to live there

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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