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Bhavika smiled at the girl infront of her and asked "what I should make for today's breakfast" ofcours she isn't familiar with people's choice of food here

"Actually...." Keshavi was about to continue but stopped in middle feeling someone's graze upon her making Bhavika confused as she turned around only to find Pritha Kuruvanshi and sumitra Kuruvanshi there alongside Vishakha Rathore making her lower her head she moved towards to take their blessings making vishakha roll her eyes at her

"Keshavi have you forgotten our tradition on the very first day she'll be preparing food of her choices she had to guess herself what she could make that everyone will like" spated vishakha groggily making keshavi jump on fear

"I'm sorry bua jii but I was just trying to help her as she isn't familiar to here" she defended herself before anyone could say anything sumitra just tried to clam the situation ofcours she don't want any fights or anything here

"Let it be na didi and yes Bhavika as today's your first rasoi you've to prepare the whole breakfast it's totally up to you what you'll be making keshvi will assist you for the thing you'll need rest all you've to do yourself" she sternly explained making the girl nod at the women infront of her

"Well please make some decent foods not that what you've eaten till now your life that poor things" vishakha taunted her mercilessly Pritha didn't liked her tone at all bit still choose to be silent
As trio ladies left the kitchen both the girls sighed in relief

"I'm sorry Bhabhi but I can't help you" Keshavi said sadly making Bhavika do nothing but smile

"Don't worry keshu I'll handle it myself only can you just tell me about the personality of family members a brief introduction please" she asked the girl making her confused why she want to know their personality what's it's relation with today's breakfast but still she trusted her

"Let's start with dada ji he's a joyful man maybe outside world know him for his ruthlessness but for his family he's the most bubbly member a man of principles you can say

Next it's dadi ji she's totally different from dadu a strict woman who's literally obsessed with perfection she wants everything to be perfect everyone fear her even dadu if she say something everyone has to follow that

Vishakha bua well she's the tough nut to crack a woman with many mysteries her past is very painful she tries to hide her pain with her rude behaviour

Manish papa he's the strict man just like his mother a perfectionist who want everything according to him but if you get close to him he's the most amazing person you've ever meet just reverse to him viraj papa who's a joyful man who likes to spread happiness everywhere

Pritha maa she's a very humble and polite woman here after sumitra maa both of them are sweetest Kuruvanshi here if you know they're the pride of Kuruvanshi
They maybe seems strict but aren't

Next is Adhitya bhaiya about him I can't say anything just one thing for him his family is his everything who cam go to any extent to protect it he's the protector of the family and most caring man among his brothers

Next is karan bhai the hot headed Kuruvanshi his weakness is his anger his personality is somehow similar as Adhitya bhai except the enormous anger he had inside him

Then comes my husband laksh well he hold naughty personality him and Arjun are the Prankster of the family the sunshine you could say laksh is somehow serious type too meanwhile Arjun he you could say can be serious in rare cases maybe they hold joyful personality in this house but for outside world they're arrogant businessman only"
As keshavi finished her long speech she moved her head towards the elder girl who was smiling all along listening her words making her confused

"Thanks for this keshu now you can go I'll try my best" she answered smiling ofcours she have an idea of what breakfast they could prefer

Keshavi smiling sheepishly "ummm..Bhabhi can you make kheer as sweet dish please" She said giving her puppy eyes Bhavika just pinched her cheeks

"Ofcours I'll" hearing keshavi jump happily and ran outside the kitchen leaving Bhavika alone there with tear in her eyes for the first time in 3 yrs someone talked to her this much politely this for sure filled her heart with happiness

She looked around to find some workers there and decided to make the breakfast it was already 6:30 and the breakfast needed to be served at 8:00 she have one and half hour left so definitely she needs to hurry

She move towards them to ask about the needed ingredients they helped her wholeheartedly seeing the dedication on her face they feel happy
Beauty is the way she laughs and the way her eyes tear up at those certain moments because she cares so much. She sees beauty in everything and appreciates it all. Beauty also encompasses how a woman feels about herself. Her confidence and belief in herself radiate a beauty that draws others to her.

Nevertheless she prepared food for whole family in just 1 hour keshavi who just wanted to make sure that her Bhabhi was fine was perplexed seeing the food ready she checked the watch it was only 1 hour

"Everything is done?" She asked Bhavika who just smiled stirring the kheer last time before turning off the stove "hmm" she replied putting it into the glass bowl
The aroma of delicious food was spread all over the kitchen making keshvi excited to know what she had prepared but calmed herself down

Aaloo paratha, poha, sandwiches, Kachori, puri sabji, and many things not to forget the kheer and gulag jamun

She just prayed to god that everyone should like the food she prepared ofcours she wasn't suspicious on her handmade food but still some negative thoughts were discouraging her anyhow

Please maa give your daughter your blessings it's her first step to make her family happy

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