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Her body was lying lifelessly on the hospital bed with many strings attached to her body alongside the oxygen mask and electrocardiogram describing beating of her heart softly the monitor with her condition review
Her body consists of several fading scars mostly in her shoulder region followed by a big cut mark on her forehead indicating how much pathetic her accident could be

Her petals like eyes closed firmly in a relaxed manner like she's sleeping peacefully dreaming like a normal girl her soft lips which had turned dry cuz of her lack in response and hairs which looks messy as hell

Ofcours she was comatose for almost 3 yrs what else can be expected from a patient like her but the girl will power for for sure strong as she survived a lifestaking surgery but sadly isn't conscious till now of 3 yrs crashing doctors hopes day by day
For them they're just dragging and forcing her to live when she had no hopes just wasting their precious time waiting for her to wake up

"Mam as I said it's been three yrs and still there's no hope that she'll wake up anyhow trust me you're just exaggerating her life which have rare chances to be turn into positive one just let her rest in peace" he tried to make the girl infront of him understand his point but instead of listening him patiently she noticed her eyes turning red with anger she just gave him deadly glare

"Just shut the fuck up nothing will happen to my sister stop your nonsense blabbering just focus on her treatment" she spatted angrily making him sigh in fear and ran away from there immediately with numb eyes she stood their watching the girl sleeping for almost 3 years

Seeing her sister in this condition everyday was breaking her heart continuously it was like a dragger stabbed to her the bubbly and cheerful girl who's used to be reason behind everyone's happiness whose laughter can make anyone pain vanished the one who loved helping others and making them smile wholeheartedly is now lying emotionlessly on a bed waiting for her dead end she was one of the pure soul who got trapped into a brutal conspiracy of her own family member and ended up in a pathetic condition with all her family members dead

"You're lucky that your sleeping peacefully for three yrs unknown to the pain we've gone through the pain which is suffocating me each and every day the pain of losing everyone I love the one I cherish our family
It's you only who's left by my side I know you're listening each and every words of mine so today I've a good news for you yk what I saw her today maybe it was from far still it satisfied my throbbing heart she's perfectly fine but tied in knot of marriage by someone yup you're hearing right
Maybe their marriage is forced one still I'm happy that she got out of that hell and I can be assured that she's in safe hands now that family will for sure protect her............." she continued her statement hoping to get atleast a small response from her but disappointingly got none which pained her much seeing her chatterbox all silent

At end she just smiled at her lovingly caressing her hairs softly "I know you'll be awake soon and the day you'll be fine I'll for sure enlighten the fire of revenge again against the one who backstabbed us" she promised her with a confidence shining in her eyes the pain inside her is forcing her to plot this revenge plan

She left the room half heartedly with a heavy heart as she got a call from unknown number it was like she's aware of whom she's going to talk with

"No she's still unconscious"

"What plan?"

"You're not at all serious are you?"

"This is lifestaking"

But before she could continue the person cut the call leaving her frustrated kicking the table beside her making it fall vigorously thankfully it didn't break

"No I can't let this happen her life is at risk no fuck..... I need to do something asap or else I'll end up losing her too for fuck sake Pratiksha just fucking wake up I can't do this anymore handling it all myself is like impossible I just can't take it anymore please come back" she just screamed taking out all her frustration looking at the dark sky trying to erase the pain inside her but nothing worked she was getting weaker day by day fighting all alone with this with no one beside her for support or anything she's all alone now the girl who used to be surrounded by her loved ones at a time was all alone standing near a cliff with her mind constantly trying to convince her end all her pain at once to give up but can't she isn't that weak to end her life like this

She's the girl who was once called the protector of her family the one who's anger could make her enemies shiver with fear her name was enough for anyone to realise her personality
Who could do anything to protect her family and never give up in any situation her strong determination and confidence was something people used to adore her for but one thing everyone was unaware was her face she never showed herself to anyone or the world only her name was for which she was known for

That girl was now standing her all helplessly crying over her cruel fate the hot-headed girl was now a silent victim who got betrayaled by someone she trusted the most
The fire of revenge is still fresh in her heart unknown to her enemies that she's still alive

Family betrayal is the most painful of all betrayals. It is supposed to be our safe haven, but sometimes, they are the ones that hurt us the most. Family betrayal is like a wound that never heals.It's hard to recover from the betrayal of someone you love and trust, especially when it's family.
Betrayal from within the family cuts deeper than another. The bonds are imagined to be unbreakable, making betrayal inside the own family all of the extra painful.

Blood can be thicker than water, but agree with is thinner than a thread.

Flashback ends

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