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I shoved the door open and it banged against the wall hard enough to make a sound like a hard clap. Three women quickly looked at me. They stood in front of the row of sinks doing their faces.

"Sorry," I said, hurrying to the last stall which was empty, thank goodness. A cloud of cheap perfume and dirty cooze greeted me and I pinched my nose and fanned the stinky air with my other hand. "These hookers need to wash their funky arses regularly."

There was a splash of yellow liquid and a few pubic hairs on the toilet ring and gagging a little, I avoided the toilet at all costs and wedged myself between the toilet paper dispenser and the tank and waited and a moment later the door creaked open and three outraged women were cursing the goon out.

A raspy voice yelled, "Hey! Get out of here! Can't you read? This is the ladies room!"

The ladies room door closed and one of the women muttered something under her breath and high heels clicked across the tiled floor and the door opened again but this time when I looked down I saw slender feet inside of a black pair of Jimmy Choo sandals filling the space at the bottom of the stall's door.

There was a soft knock and then, "Hey you in there? He's gone but I think he might be posted up outside the door." it was the same raspy voice which had yelled at the goon the loudest.

"Thanks for looking out." I unlocked the door and pushed it open to find a very pretty young woman with beautiful cocoa skin and big, walnut brown eyes standing there. She had jet black wavy hair gently hanging down her back and generous curves in a cranberry red dress.

We sized each other up and then she smiled slightly and moved out of my way as I stepped outside the stall and quickly checked my face in the mirror. From the corner of my eye I caught the cutie checking me out.

"What's your name?"

Her eyes widened slightly and met my frank stare.


I didn't believe her but that didn't stop me from digging my wallet out of my purse and handing her two crisp, one hundred dollar bills.

"This is for your help. I'll need you to call the police if that guy tries to grab me."

She could look in my eyes and see that I was dead serious and I noticed that she made the money quickly disappear between her 36 D's before I headed for the door, cautiously pushing it open and sticking my eye to the crack and the door was roughly snatched out of my grip by a big, angry bearded man.

I jumped back and squealed like a stuck pig as the man forced his way inside of the small public bathroom. His craggy features bore down on me as his massive frame dwarfed mine. He was dressed in black Armani and his head was bald and as shiny as a cue ball.

My new friend, Hazel, sent me a panicked glance and eased out of there like a shadow on the wall, leaving me to my fate. I hope someone robs her of the two hundred and carjacked her disloyal arse.

"You're coming with me." King Kong growled in a wash of minty breath and he smelled of sandalwood cologne and expensive beard cream. Before I could protest, he grabbed my elbow and marched me right back to Abdul's table.

Dirk saw me standing there although he pretended otherwise. Abdul didn't waste any time messing around with me but ordered his goons to take me outside to where a black, stretch limo was waiting in a back alley.

My stomach was full of butterflies and my chest was cottony with fear and I tried to fight the big guy and was roughly shoved inside of the car for my efforts.

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