Chapter One

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I look out of the plane window, as we start landing in Manchester Airport. I spent the fourteen-hour flight thinking over and over of seven impossible things that would result in me being back in South Korea, or anywhere, but here.

To be true to myself, I'll admit that I really really do, miss my friends.

They are the main reason why I didn't protest too much against coming back here when my mother called to tell me that my plane ticket back to Manchester had been purchased. Yet, they're one of the things that drive me to the highest level of anxiety, just thinking of the time when we run into each other at school.

I hadn't been in contact with any of them ever since my little timed escape to Korea. So I don't really blame them if they refuse to have me back. Because come to think of it, it has been my fault all along. I'm the one who fled with no trace, and with no prior warning. There are people to whom I didn't even say goodbye. I just couldn't. But you can't blame me, I was young and naive, and I actually thought that I could change the life I was living. I thought I might get the chance to plan for my own future, have my own experiences, make mistakes, and even experience failure. But trying to get my parents to give me a little space to actually do that, was like trying to wreck a thick wall of granite by hitting it with baby fists. Impossible, and power draining. That I know now. Not only had I lost my power to fight, but I might as well have lost my friends...

So here I am, stepping out of the airport, and into the embrace of the chilly wind of the city. Typical September weather, not that I mind cold weather, but I wasn't well prepared, with a thin long-sleeved cotton t-shirt, which was doing nothing to keep me warm leaving it all for my brain to send messages of warmth to my body, but that only resulted in one hell of a headache instead. I think it's about time to look for Adam, my mother's chauffeur.

I turn my head from left to right, not spotting him anywhere, and I most definitely won't recognize the car. My mother must have changed it a couple of times, if not more.

What now? I'm literally chilled to the bone and have no money to stop a cab even. Should I go back in?

Just as I thought I was going to freeze to death before stepping a foot in that car, I saw him striding in my direction, and gnawing on his bottom lip in the process. Why so nervous? It's not like I was going to go cry to my mother complaining about how he left me waiting in the cold of the night for like... three? four minutes? Even if I was left waiting for hours, he shouldn't be that worried. It's sickening. I loathe the fear she instills in all the people that work for her. But that's the only way she knows to show power. Pathetic. 

As he gets closer, the words start flooding out of his mouth almost immediately "I'm so sorry, miss. I didn't mean to keep you waiting, but traffic at this hour is the worst. I...." an explanation is the last thing I need right now, so I decide to interrupt him, "Good to see you too, Adam. How have you been?"

A look of relief washes over his features, and he finally manages to smile "Good to see you too, miss. I'll take your luggage." I thank him, as I hand him some of my stuff, and carry the rest myself. He protests for a while, but I wasn't crazy to let him carry all the bags alone. Also, it could be a good exercise to warm me up a little.

He leads the way and stops at a black Bentley Mulsanne. It's such a beauty, but a Mulsanne wouldn't really be my choice of sedans. Instead, I'd go with something like a Bentley Flying Spur, or with a Bentley Bentagya for an SUV. This would be perfect for a road trip.

Look, I'll admit, I was never one for my parents' luxury, and loads loads of money, but when it comes to cars I just can't help, but lose all my principles. It's a curse.

I push past Adam to get the door opened for myself cause otherwise, it would be just really awkward. I don't think he expected that at all though.

I get in the car, and I'm finally greeted with some warmth so I just sink back in my seat, and indulge myself in it.

I'm not looking forward to getting home just yet. I want this ride home to be as long as possible, but we all know that time only passes when you don't want it to. So I sit there and contemplate my chances of who I'd find back home. Will my mother be there? My dad? Just butlers? Would my parents be having some kind of dinner meeting? Probably having a party, celebrating their new expansion of business? Ugh. Just the thought of it makes me feel nauseous.

As I watch the city from the car window, I shift to different kind of thoughts. I think back to when I was newly born. I think of Spain, my hometown. The country that I didn't even get to spend a solid week in, not since I was born. My mind then drifts to Florida, the first best eleven years of my life. I think I'd always belonged there, but then again, I don't know for sure. We only moved to Manchester so my parents could pursue their business, their ever-growing business. I remember them promising that I'll get to visit Florida as much as I desire, live in both places even, but I'd never been there since.

As soon as the thoughts of past and chances dry in my brain, I start thinking of what a couple of days from now will bring. School. Manchester Private Boarding School will be my stop in a couple of days. I'll see my friends for the first time after one whole year of avoidance, if not more. This consequently will bring more memories, and things I never wish to deal with.

Can't I just run away right now? Go hide in the woods or something? Can I transform maybe into a tree? A dog? No, transforming into a dog might not be ideal, it wouldn't be much different, especially if my owners were my parents. Why is this thought so amusing though?

The car rolls to a halt -stopping right in front of the 10,000 square feet mansion- and my thoughts follow.

So here's my first chapter, tell me what u guys think of it, and vote if u liked it.
Thanks for reading my story. kisses.
P.s. The school in this story and some of the places (Including the house of course) are not real, I made them up.

Till next chapter!!

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