"Have you ever considered giving up racing?" his father inquired, a genuine concern in his eyes.

Jungkook sighed, knowing this question would resurface. "Dad, you know this is my passion. I can't imagine my life without it."

And he really can't.

The conversation lingered briefly, then shifted to the topic of Jungkook's personal life. His father delicately broached the subject of his living arrangements, hinting at the option of moving back home.

He could see his step mom holding her breath, it doesn't look like she wants Jungkook to move back either. She and Jungkook never talked about what happened between them. She is not interested in Jungkook, she is regretting it too.

Or that's just what he thinks.

But Jungkook, determined and independent, spoke up. "Dad, I appreciate the offer, but I prefer living on my own. It helps me focus on my career."


Amyra's fingers danced across her phone screen, typing a message to Mingyu.

As she read his latest text, a warmth spread across her face, and she paused, realizing the source of her joy. She was in love.

Stop and get serious, that can't be.

For months, Amyra and Mingyu had shared laughter, dreams, and late-night conversations. But now, a sudden realization struck her, and she hesitated.

She started ignoring his texts and got busier and busier with her Life. She doesn't want to find hope when she knows she can't be with him.

And he noticed her change too.

Everything okay, Amyra? You seem a bit distant.

Amyra, taking a deep breath, admitted, “I think I need to take a step back. I can't keep doing this”

Ignoring Mingyu's messages became a painful task, but the ache in her heart grew. Mingyu, confused and concerned, finally confronted her.

Amyra, what's going on? Why are you ignoring me?

Amyra, torn between her feelings and her impending marriage, confessed the truth.

I can't do this, Mingyu. I'm getting married soon, and I can't keep leading you on.

His reply was swift, filled with conviction.

There must be a way, Amyra. If you feel this way, you owe it to yourself to find happiness. Call off the wedding if it's not right.

Amyra, grappling with her emotions, typed slowly.

It's not that simple, Mingyu. I can't just call off the wedding. There are so many expectations…

The weight of his words hung in the air, and Amyra grappled with the decision ahead.

She blocked his number and tried to move on. She doesn't know what will happen if Azlan gets to know about Mingyu.

A few days passed back and she thought Mingyu would forget him. There is a huge difference between her and the girls around him. He probably can move on with a girl prettier than Amyra. Someone who will be more suitable for him.

Amyra doesn't even understand how she can be so stupid to fall in love with him?

She remembers she has some bugger problems to deal with, her career is more important to her than anything else.

Amyra took a deep breath, facing her uncle and fiance in the living room. "I've been offered a house job in London, and I believe it's a great opportunity for me to gain valuable experience in my field."

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