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Amyra was getting bored, she was in the CT scan room. “We are here because of you!” Hiba said.

“Calm now, it's so fun. We just need to sit here and diagnose the scans,” Amyra replied.

“Fun? If we get the diagnosis wrong, Doctor Irfa will make it impossible for us to pass the final year,” Hiba said.

Just as she was about to succumb to the boredom, the atmosphere shifted when Jungkook entered for his test. Amyra, a devoted fan, couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

Amyra whispered to herself,  “Finally, something interesting.”

As Jungkook settled onto the CT scan bed, their eyes met, and he recognized Amyra from a previous encounter.

“Hey, you're the girl who came to my room-”

Amyra put her finger above her lips telling him to not say it. “Doctor Irfa is already punishing her because she caught us outside your room. If she finds out I went inside, she will be mad.”

She broke the hospital rule yesterday. Jungkook is a celebrity. He is a really famous F1 racer and was not allowed to enter his room but Amyra still did.

Amyra whispered, and Jungkook nodded his head.

The hum of the machine filled the room as the scan proceeded, marking the beginning of an unexpectedly eventful day.

After the CT scan, Jungkook underwent various tests, and at one point, he nonchalantly removed his shirt.

Amyra, mesmerized by the unexpected display, found herself lost in admiration.

“Amyra, it's Haram to stare like that.” Hiba whispered in her ear.

“Why is he so hot?” Amyra asked.

“I am not even looking at him,” Hiba whispered. Amyra was until she stopped staring and looked down at her notes.

“Can you both stop making noises?” The PG who was there in the room said. Amyra and her friend apologize to him.

After the tests, Jungkook approached Amyra.

“I don't like how you sneak inside,” Jungkook said.

“I just wanted to see you from outside but then you got hurt so I had to.”

“You left something in my hospital room. My staff will not allow me to come back here. You can come and get it later.” Jungkook said.

Amyra was confused, “Left something? I don't remember, but sure, I'll come just give me 10 minutes. Just let your security know or else I have to sneak inside again.''

He smiled and nodded his head.

As she parted ways with Jungkook, Hiba whispered. “Did you leave anything?”

“I don't remember leaving anything in his room, but he called so I will. ” Amyra replied.

“You are not going to just because he called you. What if it's a trap?” Hiba asked. Making amyra chuckle.

“What type of trap?” She asked.

“I don't know, Formula 1 racers are really famous amongst women, you know, what if he is a player?” Hiba asked.

“You need to stop jumping to conclusions, Hiba. He called me in his hospital room, not his bedroom.” Amyra replied.

Meanwhile Jungkook went back to his hospital room, he remembered to inform the security guard about a hijabi girl who will come to visit him. He realized he doesn't even know her name.

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