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This book will be a halal romance.

So no smut or dark stuff :')

Although it will have angst.

I will try my best to not make it cringe.

I know my most reader are non Muslims, but this book is for Muslim readers because they will understand this book better.

It's a Muslim romance, I was craving such storyline, and couldn't find this type of story anywhere.

And you know the saying,

"if you can't find the type of book you want to read? Write it."


Jeon Jungkook, racer of Mercedes AMG Formula 1

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Jeon Jungkook, racer of Mercedes AMG Formula 1. He had passion for wheels, and wanted to live and d!e in the racetrack. Life took an unexpected turn and causing him to change his beliefs and accept Islam.

 Life took an unexpected turn and causing him to change his beliefs and accept Islam

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Amyra Malik, who is a medical student and huge fan of Formula 1. She crossed path with Jungkook, but started avoiding him when he accepted islam.


He looked at her confused, he couldn't recognize her when he saw her before, she was different, and now she was a complete different person.

"Your hijab, where it is?" He asked.

"I took it off." She replied. Making him confused.

"You can take it off too, I thought Muslim women must wear it." He questioned.

"I don't want to ever wear it again," she replied. Making him confused.

What could be the reason?

"I want to marry you, and have you in a halal way." He said.

"I don't want to marry you." She replied.

He asked, "You don't love me?"

"I do, but I didn't want you to become this religious, I hate people like you. I like the way you were before."

He converted to be with her and she was saying this. He really couldn't understand why she has such a huge wall between her and her religion.


I wanted to do Formula 1 Jungkook with a medical staff Female for a long time, but I didn't have a good idea. But I finally liked got it, but it might not be of everything taste.

And Islamic references, not as much but you know.

Be rude or disrespectful I will block you and then cry, because I am sensitive 🥲

-It will contain religious beliefs, please don't read if you feel uncomfortable or if you gonna be disrespect.
-Convert Muslim male lead
-Revert Muslim female lead
-Female lead pushing away the lead because of him converting into islam

It's a fictional book and I hope you take it as fiction.

And don't compared with my other books it's completely a different topic.

The book will be about a born Muslim girl, who is not close to her religion and a non Muslim man, who is respectful towards her and religion, even without following it.

I am writing it because there is a difference between Islam that is taught by society, and Islam which is learnt by yourself.

Which I felt myself, I was born in Europe and then moved to a Muslim country. The shift made me confused, because the way I was performing my religion in Europe was different from how people were performing in the country where I live.

Some people mix cultural beliefs with religion. Which I dislike but has experience.

I went a really religious school from grade 8 to 10, and the school was really strict about hijab and other things, which in return it made me away from religion.

Islam is a really polite religion, but like all the religious, if it is not taught in a right way it can make the move away from it. Which happened in the book.

It was until when I studied about Islam myself and find out about its beauty.

I am not a perfect Muslim who do hijab, but I do pray and I think I have a great Faith and truth in Allah.

I know people will not be comfortable with involving religion in a fanfiction, but I just want to write about my own state and my faith.

I would have never imagined to write a book like this, but I was so moved by 'My Heaven's flower' By Jeonimagine

(I am doing one halal good deed on this orange app because of her otherwise my books are so sinful 😭😂)

This book will not be of that level, because Its yet for me to discover and study my own religion. The author in 'My Heaven's flower, explain a lot of details and gave Islamic reference which was amazing.

I wish I had that much knowledge of Quran and Sunnah, but this is exactly why I am making this book.

To show my personal experiences.

Amyra character matches me in real life, and so many born Muslims, who are Muslims just by name.

Anyways, I would like you to enjoy the book, the female lead has weak faith in Allah and Islam.

But it will change with time slowly and you will see how. I hope no one will judge anyone for how weak or strong there faith is.

It's a good book to read if you are a non Muslim too, because it will clear your misunderstanding about Muslim and Islam.

This book is truly based on how I am, and how I want my husband to be like.  So yeah, ofc I will not want my husband to be toxic so he will not be toxic in any way.


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