ch-4 ~Soo Young ~

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Sarang's POV:

Rejoining my friends, I felt the weight of their curious stares pressing against me like a heavy blanket. Their eyes held unspoken questions, probing for answers I wasn't quite ready to reveal. I tried to maintain a casual facade, but beneath the surface, the memory of my rooftop encounter with Jungkook still lingered, an untold story begging to be shared.

Sarang: "Just needed some fresh air, you know? The rooftop seemed like the perfect spot to clear my head."

Their skepticism was palpable, each glance exchanged laden with silent inquiries. I could sense Minseo's raised eyebrow, Haeun's subtle smirk, and Jiyeon's persistent gaze, all waiting for the revelation I wasn't prepared to provide

Minseo: "Fresh air? At this hour? Come on, Sarang, spill the beans. What were you really doing up there?"

Haeun: "Yeah, spill it! We're not buying the 'fresh air' excuse."

Jiyeon: "We've got a curfew to beat, Sarang. Don't keep us hanging."

Sarang: Letting out a nervous chuckle"Honestly, guys, nothing exciting happened. I just needed some time to myself, you know? The rooftop felt like the perfect escape."

Despite my attempts to downplay the situation, their persistence remained unwavering. I could feel the weight of their curiosity pressing in, urging me to reveal the truth. But some stories were meant to be kept hidden, at least for now.

Sarang: "Alright, let's get moving. We don't want to risk getting locked out by Matron again. She's not one to show mercy, especially past curfew."

With a shared nod, we set off, the rooftop encounter safely tucked away in the corners of our minds, waiting to be explored another day.

As I returned to the dorm, the weight of the evening's events still lingered, a gentle reminder of the unspoken encounter on the rooftop. With a sigh, I slipped out of my evening attire and into something more comfortable, the soft fabric a welcomed embrace after the whirlwind of emotions.

Sarang: "Ah, finally, some cozy vibes."

The chatter of my friends echoed through the room, a comforting backdrop to the evening's tranquility. With a contented sigh, I settled into bed, the warmth enveloping me like a familiar embrace.

Sarang: "Goodnight, everyone. Sweet dreams."

The room fell into a hushed silence, the rhythm of our breathing the only sound in the stillness of the night. As sleep beckoned, I allowed myself to drift away, the memory of the rooftop encounter fading into the quiet depths of my dreams.

Next morning

Next morning

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Navigating through the bustling corridors of Seoul University, my attention was momentarily diverted by the arrival of a captivating figure. Dressed in a stunning blue bodycon dress , she exuded an aura of confidence that demanded attention. However, what struck me most was the contrast between her appearance and Minseo's iconic allure. With softer features and ginger hair cascading in gentle waves, she possessed a subtle elegance that resonated with me.

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