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A sudden alarm blared throughout the ship. Bakue groaned and rolled over on his bed, kicking his legs over the side and blinking at the flashing red light and alarm. It had only been two days since he left the last planet and something had already gone wrong.

He stood up, stretching and walking over to his armor, which he had laid out the night before. After putting his armor and admiring himsel for a second, he walked out onto the bridge only to be met with a completely new view out of the bridge window.

A massive blue gas giant decorated with rings of asteroids. He was mesmerized by the view for a second before his attention was brought back to the alarm. Rushing over to the control panel, multiple alerts popped up on the screen.

Apparently, his ship experienced some sort of fluke in it's system and sent him light years away from where his hunt was supposed to continue. And, to top it all off, his fuel reserves were almost empty. If he didn't land soon, the oxygen levels in the ship would deplete and he would most likely suffocate.

Bakue let out a low growl of frustration as he reached over to scan for any colonized planets in the area. A dot popped onto his screen and he sighed, the nearest planet to him was a trading post and hotbed for crime of all kind, called Delta 9, but it was his only hope.

As he prepared his ship for entering the atmosphere, he grabbed his spear, helmet and shoulder Canon, setting them on the co-pilot chair as he switched off autopilot so he could manually land his ship in the nearest docking station.

He felt the ship land and reached over, pulling his mask on before opening the hatch to his ship and stepping off.

A scrawny man with a scar running over his eye approached Bakue, timidly. The man was holding a clipboard close to his chest, clutching to it like a life line as he chuckled nervously.

"H-hello, um, what brings you to Delta 9?"

The timid man spoke quietly and his eyes darted around the station for confort. "I need my ship's fuel refilled." Bakue wasted no time, getting straight to the point. The man nodded and scuttled away.

Bakue walked over to a near by bench and sat down, eventually dozing off a little only to be disturbed by the same man from earlier, tapping on his shoulder.

He turned towards the man, who took a quick step back, taking a deep breath before speaking. "I'm sorry to say but, um, your warp engine is completely fried." The man blurted out the last words quickly, and Bakue’s head snapped to look at the man who shrunk in fear.

"What?!" Bakue roared, making people walking by stop and stare, encluding a figure who had been watching Bakue from a nearby alleyway since he had arrived.

The man cowered and stepped back, stuttering over his words. "W-we can fix it! B-but it might take a bit more time, only a bit, t-though!" The man smiled nervously, fiddling with the corner of his clipboard. "Well get to it then!" Bakue snapped at the him.

The man backed up and turned to leave but Bakue grabbed his arm. "Where is the nearest bar?" Bakue hissed at the man, causing him to blurt out. "The Spider's Leg!" He pointed in a direction and Bakue dropped his arm.

He headed towards the bar where the man had pointed, not knowing that the same figure as before, was already waiting for him.

An Unusual Meeting (Yautja X Oc)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora