Chapter 17

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Friday afternoon, I'm in a crap mood. The team physician told me my skates wouldn't touch ice for at least another month. My head is pounding, my lips haven't touched a drink, and Quinn's been in the shower for the past twenty minutes without me. I roll onto my side, pull a pillow over my head, and groan into the mattress. This concussion is butchering me. I can't even get out of bed to properly fuck my wet and slippery girlfriend.

The shower pipes screech to a halt, exciting the ever-loving shit out of me as the bathroom door flies open. Her smooth, bare, and wet body strolls into the room.

Quinn leans forward, grinning. "Let me under those sheets already. I'm cold."

It takes several seconds for my brain to connect to my mouth and body. She looks phenomenal. I love her au-natural and without an ounce of makeup. "Shit. Yeah. Get that naked body in here."

Shuffling over to the other side of the bed, I pull back the sheets and look over at her.

"You look a little grumpy." She nuzzles up against my side, giving me her strange, elusive smile.

"Fucking concussion," I say, eyeing her. "I feel super weak, and my head is killing me."

"Poor baby. Need a cuddle?" She had a fire in her eyes I hadn't seen since the night I made her a blanket fort.

Seeing her lie naked in my bed and feeling her soft skin pressed up against my body is frustrating as hell. Feeling so nauseous and not being able to give her what she wants sucks. I gaze down at her left breast, so round and soft, her nipple hard and pink.

"God, I love you," I tell her cleavage. "I'm having such a bad day. Can I please bury my face in you?"

She giggles and changes her voice to some goofy high-pitched tone, pretending her tits can talk. "We would be delighted to let you rub your stubble all over us."

"Fuck, Quinn, I wish my head wasn't pounding like a motherfucker. I'm dying to be inside you." I rub my face all over her tits, even giving each nipple a little lick.

Quinn giggles again, and when I pull away, she cuddles up closer to my side and lets out a tiny sigh.

"You look so beautiful." I lean to kiss her.

"You always say that especially when I get out of the shower."

I shrug and lick her neck. Fuck. She tastes like strawberries and cream. "Let me take you out tonight."

She shakes her head, laughing. "No. You aren't feeling well. Not a good idea."

"I don't care. I want to go out in public with you. There's nothing to hide from anymore. Hilton knows. Daniela knows. We deserve a coming-out party."

"I don't know." She straightens, staring out the window, not looking at me.

I reach for her hand and slip my fingers between hers. "You said you choose me. And I said I will prove to you that I choose you. So you need to agree to go out with me in public tonight."

Quinn's eyes widen as she glances around my bedroom. "Okay," she says quietly, her gaze searching mine. "But can I request something?"

With her hair tucked behind her ears and looking so small sitting beside me, I feel an utterly foreign panic. Was this all wrong for her? Was this not what she wanted?

"Anything," I tell her.

She grins. "If you take me out on a real date, I want it all. I want you to wait patiently in the living room for me to get ready. Then you take me out for a fancy dinner where you try to impress me. Afterward, I want a stroll down the beach where you hold my hand. Finally, you drop me off at the spare bedroom and give me a good night kiss."

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